Reporting Battlefield 3 Player ELMAFY82


Registered User
Jan 12, 2020

Players In Game Name ELMAFY82

Which Game? Battlefield 3

Which Server? Battlefield 3 - All maps conquest

What is your in game name? X-Bull_Rock79-X

Date and time approximately 01/02/2025 all day

Offense committed 100% sure this guy got some macro assist on the an-94. But just wanna make sure, any way to make some leggit check on that guy?. Always got some fishy kills and taps with that gun

Additional comments
It's not a head shot, but I died in one shot usually by him Seriously 100% an 94 macro
Here's him firing the AN94 from 3rd person point of view.
The autofire-like spray caught my attention to the point I had to check out who it was after reviving him.
Should definitely ask for this guys gameplay and see how he's doing it.


Here's him firing the AN94 from 3rd person point of view.
The autofire-like spray caught my attention to the point I had to check out who it was after reviving him.
Should definitely ask for this guys gameplay and see how he's doing it.

Correct, pawe. He uses a macro.
He's still playing in the server, need some admins to review this, he kills you the instant he's close to you
I am not an admin, but I'll chime in since most admins are busy. First 2 videos are really not showing anything. They are taken from an angle and do not show much of context because they are short. 5 sec. each. There can be a variety of things as to why you were one-shot without a headshot. BF3 and BF4 are similar in their design and these one shots happen constantly, especially when 2 players have a difference in ping. 3rd video doesn't show much as well. It shows him shooting and dying, but that's about it. Just looking at his stats, they are actually below average. Hell, they are worse than mine and I don't remember being that good at the game.

My suggestion, use a recording software to record your gameplay, use TAB to show pings, and make a video a bit longer than 5 sec. If you use NVIDIA card, you have an app, which automatically includes a recording software. If you don't, you can download free apps online like fraps.