Hello from Deputy Swan

Deputy Swan

Registered User
Jan 1, 2016
Hello, figured I would let you know a bit about myself

28 years old, Live in ND, been here my whole life grew up on a dairy farm, been in LE for 8 years now, worked as a Tribal/County Deputy and then Oilfield area Deputy up until last year now a City cop in a small very busy 4 man department also part of a local area SRT... also dabbled in private security work for oil companys. Engaged with two children.

Been playing BF since 1942, play BF4 now,,, and lately only Squad.. Looking afford to being associated with your group in my few days doing research and creeping your forums you guys seem like a pretty good organization. Been a pubber for years, and now that squad came out figured it be cool to be party of a organized group that is active
i sang the title of this thread "Helloooooo from deputy swwwaaaannnnn"
Thanks for stopping in and saying hello. I think we've got a good group here and we are very active on various games. I haven't tried Squad yet myself but I know we have a group that likes it a lot.
I think there a few fellow ociffers floating around in TBG too=D welcome
Thanks for stopping in and saying hello. I think we've got a good group here and we are very active on various games. I haven't tried Squad yet myself but I know we have a group that likes it a lot.
When it get's more stuff, you should try it :)
Hey hoo man. Glad you found us. It seems like we're getting more n more squaddies to join us. That's great.

GOT A BLADE...with your name on it.....
I will welcome you with tribal respect......."COME GET SOME".


P.S. then we will smoke PEACEPIPE!