Homefront - Honest Opinions Needed


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
So I'd like to know who has this game and if I would actually like it. I'll caveat that with saying I hate Call of Duty and I hate Bad Company 2 but I obviously love 2142. I just don't want to waste $50 on something that I may never play.
So I'd like to know who has this game and if I would actually like it. I'll caveat that with saying I hate Call of Duty and I hate Bad Company 2 but I obviously love 2142. I just don't want to waste $50 on something that I may never play.

First impression was favorable and that's coming from a guy who has been living on BF2 Karkand for the last 3 years. I am going to play a little bit more today to make sure I am still as pleased with the game play as I initially was before making a final decision to purchase this evening but at this point it looks like I will probably be getting this one for my collection.

I have been reading the forums, on this Homefront and also watched a bunch of trailers. I read some reviews as well, and am also curious if this is something we are going to run. From what I gather, it seems to be fun, but as others have said, "I dont want, to waste 50$ on something I will never play". Lookind forward to some feedback on this, and Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone.:stpatrick2:
I was disappointed. I'll flesh that out after class (or Shockwave can do that; I sent him my initial remarks).
SP in Homefront is shit. MP is better the Bad Company 2; on par with 2142. I wasn't expecting much, but I was able to play for 2 hours a few days ago and keep on going. It's not buggy; it's pretty fluid. Movement is better then BC2, maybe 2142, by far.

I like what I see.

Obviously, not everyone is going to like this game. I'd like to think over time that maybe 15 TBG members will get this. Who knows. Keep in mind that Homefront is just the beginning. The even bigger/better release is RO: HOS; that's going to be kick-ass.

In any regard, it's not a bad game, but it's not a O-M-G that's excellent game. It's better than BC2, IMO. Infantry is way better than 2142.
The single player is very linear and has no difficulty progression. Instead it has parts that are damn near impossible if you arnt lucky. (like one spot when you are a scout helicopter shooting trucks launching rockets at you, one rocket will kill you.)

Multi-player is enjoyable. I feel it uses some classic styles of the better half of the Battlefield series with a little CoD thrown in. The best part of the game is earning points to break out a tank, helicopter, or drone to unleash hell on the enemy.

What disappointed me: It adhears a to much (imo) to the current shooter trend. short life spans, all about how fast you can click, and not a whole lot of strategy. Don't get me wrong there is more strategy involved in this game as compared to CoD, but doesn't come close to the amount BF2 and 2142 had. Another thing I dislike is having to unlock shit. A few things inst so bad, but when weapons at later levels are so much more powerful, that makes time spent playing trump skill, just like in CoD and BC2.

Oh and that damn trend to have a stab button and magically have your gun out again. Games need to get rid of this (unless they are CoD which works fine because thats the cocaine of video games)

I would say this game is a good holdover game. The story kept me interested, and the idea of guerrilla fighting oppressors is something ive always liked (HL2), but the execution of the SP was sub par. Multi-player is great, has some flaws but plays them off pretty well. If you are looking for a game to play until the next big release this is definitely a great choice
just play some BC2 until BF3 comes out; no sense buying a $50 game for 4-6 months... just my 2 pennies
Balls, I gave BC2 an honest effort of 81 hours and it's just not my game. I wish I had the money I spent on it back.
I personally like it bUt it doesn't mean others will., they could do better. Hopefully with patches.

i can fraps playing if you want and upload soldier? I don't have sound because of some issues they need to update.
i was not impressed earlier, the movement feels detached, the guns sounded like pop rocks, drones were next to impossible to kill and graphics are not good enough to justify it. it is a poorly executed bc2 clone with battle points, and token tanks thrown in IMO

i did not however play the released game
No Fast, that's not necessary but thank you. Unfortunately I haven't read anything good about it yet. Even the best reviews of it have been mediocre. I may just buy Dragon Age 2 and call it a wrap.
I have played a little late in the nights when I can't stand studying or coding anymore, and I have REALLY enjoyed it. It feels more like bf2 or 2142 then bc2 did. Soulz more or less said what my impression so far has been.
yeah i agree it feels more like old battlefield like movements, but you can't run and gun like in BC2/COD. Its way more tactical. You run into the open just like that and you are dead. They could improve on the squad play, maybe with patching.

Bullet registers far better than any game i've played recently. Weapons are harder to control, you can't shoot from the hip to kill your opponent far away, either crouched or proned.
There is a perk to help you shoot better from the hip, that you need to unlock.

Drones are fun.
As far a single player goes, the general story line is pretty good, it's very Erie and there were definitely some moments in the game that are extremely fucked up and made my blood pressure spike.

It's almost set up the exact same way COD is, almost to the T. there are some surprises and accuracies that were kinda cool it's just like any other SP shooter game. If you ever played Black for the PS2 its kinda like that. The AI is extremely predictable, and all seem to have and auto find and aim built in so they never ever miss when they shoot at you. The dialogue is bogus, and the fact that you cannot shoot through walls, or any bullet penetration is retarded. You can tell from minute 1 that this game was rushed like a mother fuck to get it out of the R&D lab and onto the shelf, and the poor quality and glitches definitely speaks for itself. (on one mission I warped out of the playable area into some twilight zone weird shit that took me like 5 minutes to run back to the actual mission.) I have not played MP yet, so I can only speak from experience with the Alpha MP.

Do not spend the $50 on it.
Balls, I gave BC2 an honest effort of 81 hours and it's just not my game. I wish I had the money I spent on it back.

If you hated BC2 that much you won't like this one either. Keep in mind though, these are different games than 2142. I know it sounds stupid, but every game plays differently even if they incorporate the same movements, weapons, etc. 2142 was a better game than what I'm seeing out on the market now but it was always the bastard child of EA's BF2 and now they've killed it for good.

If you're looking for something comparable to 2142 keep looking, this one is the same trend as BC2 and MOH which are completely different styles of fps than 2142 ever was.
I've actually never been a fan of the FPS genre. 2142 was the first FPS that I ever played and enjoyed. Before that I played a mix of Racing, Sports, and RPG's. I've tried CoD4, CoD:WaW, ARMA 2, BF2 and BC2 but none of them have hooked me like 2142. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like Homefront will either. I know it's already dropped price to $41.99 on X-Box and PS3 so if it drops on the PC side to say $40 I may get it. The price drop doesn't bode well for Kaos or THQ though.
Soldier, if you want you can revive my iracing account. I have 60% of the content which is about $500 worth. Hands down,no racing game compares to them. The only bad part is, its subscription based cost, hence why I'm not playing it.

However if you want to start your own account, I think I can find some 1 month free trials of iracing.com. You don't get much on content, but it would be a fun month for sure.

iRacing.com | The Premier Online Sim Racing Game
If you hated BC2 that much you won't like this one either. Keep in mind though, these are different games than 2142. I know it sounds stupid, but every game plays differently even if they incorporate the same movements, weapons, etc. 2142 was a better game than what I'm seeing out on the market now but it was always the bastard child of EA's BF2 and now they've killed it for good.

If you're looking for something comparable to 2142 keep looking, this one is the same trend as BC2 and MOH which are completely different styles of fps than 2142 ever was.

RO: HOS is better than 2142 :). Does that count? :D.