[H1Z1] Searching Homes


Registered User
Dec 14, 2014
Is there ever any point in searching fridges, armwoires, cabinets, washers, dryers, or cabinets? I found a neighborhood and spent probably too much time trying to be throughout. At least 12 homes searched and not a damn thing found in any of them. The most valuable things I found were a MRE on a counter, 1911 pistols, and ammo cans that somehow only had 1-2 bullets each. None of which were in any of the searched locations including cars. They were all visible sitting on top of desks and counters.
Well so far junk,clothing, cloth,some food and chance of ammo but tbh i don't spend alot of time going through them just grab whats in sight. In hot spots like Romeros for example searching cabinets near bathrooms gives you the chance of ammo. In some areas pressing tab to see whats in your proximity helps too!

*junk= flashlight,binoculars etc.
**fleshlight not flashlight
Come join us in TS some time. We have a large group of active players on Choronzon.
I might have to do that this weekend. Either I am terribly unlucky or this game seems pretty rough to get going.
It takes a little bit getting used to it. Finding what spawns what, where to go, and the like. It's really enjoyable once you get the hang of it.
you could also be hitting a spot right as someone has taken off and already taken all the good stuffs and nothing has respawned yet. and yeah come join us I was lost when trying to run around and do shit on my own as to what to do where to go but figuring it out by running with a big group or a few ppl. I mostly just play weekends as I find myself staying up to late during the work week lose track of time way easy when having fun
There are a few places where the file cabinets spawn 1-2 rounds of ammo. Like it was said above, its about learning your way around and and figuring out which buildings spawn what, and which containers have a chance to spawn what. Just because you find two rounds in a file cabinet, doesn't mean the next building will have any. That said, I don't think I've mound more than 1 round from an office building, but I don't go in those often, too much ambush risk. The higher you go, the better the stuff can be (like helmets or backpacks) but you can be easily trapped in them.