Exploiting players


Registered User
Oct 23, 2008
I wasn't sure where to post it but oct. 23rd around 7:30-8:00pm EST There were a few guys from {BFG} that were using some kind of exploit to put RDX into the reactor room from the roof of the titan.
Alot of players were complaining about it but he did not stop the main offender was "ShortTheMkt" I think is how it was spelled. from BFG.
Thank you for letting us know, we'll take care of it :D.
oooooo I know that glitch, they can put motion mines inside the titan as well, which is bullshit. God save their souls if I catch them on our servers.
Was this before Bigdogg, who couldn't stand glitchers, but apparently didn't mind hackers so much started using an aim bot?
And yeah, evidently Lex was drunk when he made his 2142 character name and forgot the T :)
lol he couldn't stand hackers yet he was hacking lulz

Stop bringing back these memories, I am tearing up here!
And AlCapone too. All in all considering the total number through the TBG doors there have only been a handful. Some who were PB banned I'm still not sure weren't false positives (MT2000 and Beaver) but you have to do what you have to do.
MT2000 admitted he downloaded a free hack so no mistake there. I'm sure Beaver did the same thing since he and Supra were caught for the exact same (free) aimbot. Bad judgement, stupidity, whatever but they weren't false positives.
Supra admitted to it as well after a little while, not sure if Beaver ever did. Either way the hack itself was a legit hack so if PB picked it up I'm sure in this case it was legit.
I didn't remember MT admitting he hacked. I thought he always denied it. Oh well, either way I'll sleep fine tonight.
Mt was aimbotting... His numbers with the Aug were like in the 60% headshot ratio. This was before the cheat o meter came out. Beaver was cuaght using the same very well known hack supra admitted to getting banned for. Far as im concerned Beaver was a liar as well.
Oh well not here any more. Bottom line is don't hack.
Its like drunk driving... sooner or later you will get caught.

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I didn't remember MT admitting he hacked. I thought he always denied it. Oh well, either way I'll sleep fine tonight.

Yeah, he said he downloaded it for a short time, and deleted it off his system. Mind you, this followed him saying he never downloaded any hacks, then he said he might have downloaded something...you get the picture.