Any chance of a classic mode server with all maps, No commander?

Basically a server with these rules would be perfect!

Changing some of those values are not possible with normal mode.

Also this server is one of the most popular in BF4 right now, no need to tweak something that's working right.
I understand that you do not want to tweak these value on this particular server, but are there any of these value that you could possibly tweak and still be in the realm of Normal mode?

Also, is there a possibility of having a server with these settings in the future? I think the current values make the game far too "easy". Sorry, I couldn't think of a better word.
Turning off commander or increasing from 70 to 100 are the only ones.

I dont see the point in tweaking those two settings. Not dismissing your feedback but if we had large demand for these settings to be changed then that would be more feasible. Not because one person requests it. There may be others who disagree with this. It needs to be general consensus.
You guys have the best servers out there right now, and to me its unfortunate that server admins are not willing to take the chance, but I do see your point. I just wish there was at least one popular server out there which let me play with these settings.

Anyway, if at some point, if you could create a "Classic mode" server, that would be truly appreciated.

I love the TBG all maps conquest 24/7 server settings as is with the exception of commander mode being enabled. TBG I talk about this several times in live chat in that server with the regulars, and there is mixed feeling on how people feel about commander mode being enabled, you should get a poll going just to get a feel for the opinion. I absolutely feel like it will be just as kick ass as your BF3 servers which were also always full and in demand without a commander obviously since that wasn't in bf3.

edit: Or, how about doing a test run? One or two days of the week and get peoples opinion on it afterwards, like do you want to revert back or what? Just throwing out some ideas!

edit 2: 747 pm est aug 10 24/7 conquest server bf4, random ingame "poll question" on who wants this TBG server to disable commanders. 7 yay - 2 nay I think. might be repeat yays. lol.
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