[EVE Online] For those who feel there is nothing to do in EVE...


Sep 2, 2012
Here's a link of what careers / occupations one can do in EVE Online:


Often I get that question 'what do you do in Eve besides shoot rocks?' Here's a visualization of what is possible. For me, I explore wormholes and relic sites and make a lot of money doing it.
If I play I want to do what you do. Exploration is my thing.
So it about Money

More than that honestly. Before exploring I was involved with some of the major battles in EVE. Lots of times we would just PvP just to PvP. No real reason other than for fun. In fact CCP just started the yearly Alliance Tournament which nets a lot of prizes and notoriety.

It's a sandbox MMO so to sum up: you get out what you put into it.
I was heavily involved in manufacturing, keeping the Corp POI fueled and of course I was one of our sniper and later dreadnought pilots. The game has more in it now than when I was heavily playing. I've been logging on to flip plexus and run for my life.
Just in case anyone is curious. Here's my current ride:


Apologizes for the format. It is in PNG and I don't have my settings turned up.

And here's my exploration ship:

I'll try to be in tonight but work and RL are keeping me from playing.
I dont know anything about this game, do you start out as a baby spaceship and grow it or what?
There are separate classes of ships from frigates to Titans, the largest in the game. There are also ships for production, mining, and hauling. When I get a chance I will link some videos on how they get started. Not to mention there is a free 14 day trial.
There are separate classes of ships from frigates to Titans, the largest in the game. There are also ships for production, mining, and hauling. When I get a chance I will link some videos on how they get started. Not to mention there is a free 14 day trial.
so its subscription based? Is it realistic for new players to join now that its been out so long and be able to reach end game content or would it just be a grind fest to nothing?
Truthfully it's what you make of it. I've recently resubbed myself after being out for 3 years and while content has been added, things are about the same. Large alliances fighting across the stars, exploration and mining are going on, market rats playing the buy/sell game in the major trading hubs, and good old fashioned trolling.

Since leveling your skills is time based, it frees you up to do what you want in game while your skills mature. You can take the shortcut by using skill injectors but of course it would cost ingame money. There are also ways to play the game where it pays for itself.

Also there are gambling sites, too.
If anyone is interested, the Corp I run with is Signal Cartel, which is part of the Eve-Scout Enclave. We do explore and mine and what not, but our only caviat is we don't attack players. We defend but we never initiate any aggressive acts against others. That reputation has saved my behind a number of times.
I'm like 100 days from being able to sit in a titan.... and that's just sitting. I am working on finishing my dreadnought skills first though
So, looking at getting the 3 month subscription to get the extra exploration ships. Should I play the trial more first? Kinda want to wait until I play with a few of you guys
so its subscription based? Is it realistic for new players to join now that its been out so long and be able to reach end game content or would it just be a grind fest to nothing?

There are 2 ways to look at it. There is no end game content. 7,900 solar systems to fly through and do whatever and 2500 wormhole systems. Other than people wanting to kill you there is nothing stopping you from getting wherever you want to go. That said there is NPC content. It would take a month or two to get into Level 4 mission running and Level 5's are run as groups.

The ability to fly a ship or use equipment is based on real world time. You get a skill book you start training it and wait. Your stuck with whatever you are capable in the mean time. I am on vacation right now so when i get back ill have a weeks worth of training done and I haven't even been playing the game.

You can fly frigates all your life if you want. They have a place. A few of them can easily tackle and destroy a large ship. The exploration cruiser I fly takes 6 days of training time. Plus the cloaking device I used think takes another week. I am off and exploring already but I have a couple of months worth of skills lined up that will make things more efficient.

The only real grind, is making money if you need it. You can do boring mining, or you can jump into a battleship after a month or so and deal with level 4 missions. Personally I am hacking relic cans in an exploration ship for a lot more profit than i ever made doing either.