Really enjoyed my first run at the vietnam expansion, although the SQD and Hardcore modes are new to me, I am gaining ground quickly. Now it is a matter of retraining my self to aim, and learning the new maps. My 30 tial for membership is coming to an end, didnt know if there is something I could do to further my chances at becoming a member, or how I stand up to this point. I really try to participate, in discussion, and gameplay as much as I can. I am more a reserved person most of the time but love listening to you guys on vent, at the same time I will conversate, but try not to overstep my boundaries. I also will be making a donation, and if voted in will donate every month as well. Other than that was just curious on anything else i am missing that could better my chances. Well be safe have a good one, and will see you guys on the killing fields this evening.