Recent content by 5I5O

  1. 5I5O

    So disappointed about BF6

    Most likely they will have it on Xbox live which is a monthly service. Because you can play bf4, bf1 and i think bf5 on xbox live, but it will likely be sold by EA as well.
  2. 5I5O


    new game on Steam with Unreal Engine 5.. looks realistic.. needs some work but a pretty good game
  3. 5I5O

    Counter-strike 2 is out!

    so i found out it convert cs:go into cs2. i was able to add it to my library, i hid all my games from the list. i found it through the link i posted and logged into steam from there.. and it downloaded an update from what i seen. and i playing in a matter of minutes.
  4. 5I5O

    Counter-strike 2 is out!

    you can play counter-strike 2 for free right now.. i had to use google to be able to play it.. it doesnt show on my steam game list so i have to go to every time i want to play it.. pretty good game.
  5. 5I5O

    Path of Exile 2

    me either
  6. 5I5O

    Thank you for your assistance and blessings!

    I don't know if this would be the appropriate place to put this. For those that didn't know, I have cancer in my left ear, and I am currently going through chemotherapy and radiation. I am doing ok at the moment and want to thank everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers. I know it...
  7. 5I5O

    What's everyone playing, and what games are exciting you for the holidays?

    bf2042 got a lot better, been playing that recently more than before.
  8. 5I5O

    Update my Old Gaming PC

    lmao .. my thought exactly.
  9. 5I5O

    Built a new rig. another one here if this doesnt work, i would possibly delete...
  10. 5I5O

    New Build

    looks very nice!
  11. 5I5O

    Hitbox manipulation

    it is similar to the slide exploit but without deploying the medic/ammo bag. since hes not deploying either before jumping and crouching when landing, he is clear. his tactic is like back in the day when playing counter-strike.
  12. 5I5O

    hello ty so much for being a premier bf4 clan your organization is the best

    its ok.. sorry, if its not on our servers, we can't do anything about it. have a good day.
  13. 5I5O


    this game is free on epic games.. just thought we can do a game night again like we had before. just a thought since we have a lot of new guys. @St. Irish
  14. 5I5O

    Mafia is free on STEAM

    go get it