Recent content by 888SLUG888

  1. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player ALT-zomne

    Players In Game Name ALT-zomne Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? Battlefield 3 - All maps conquest What is your in game name? 888SLUG888 Date and time approximately 13/11/2024 6:14 pm nsw australian time Offense committed Hacking Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
  2. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player ALT-zomne

    Players In Game Name ALT-zomne Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? Battlefield 3 - All maps conquest What is your in game name? 888SLUG888 Date and time approximately 13/11/2024 6:14 pm nsw australian time Offense committed Hacking Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
  3. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player Skarren

    Players In Game Name Skarren Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF3 ALL CONQUEST MAPS | NO LAG | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? 888SLUG888 Date and time approximately 6/7/24 4:15 Offense committed Bully Additional comments I got a video
  4. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player JesusisDevilSEEK

    No but will record next time these situations arise
  5. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player JesusisDevilSEEK

    Not sure but had the same hacks going
  6. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player JesusisDevilSEEK

    Players In Game Name JesusisDevilSEEK Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF3 ALL CONQUEST MAPS | NO LAG | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? 888SLUG888 Date and time approximately 19/03/2024 4:51 Australian time Offense committed flying around map Additional comments...
  7. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player Boooooooooooow

    Players In Game Name Boooooooooooow Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF3 ALL CONQUEST MAPS | NO LAG | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? 888SLUG888 Date and time approximately 19/03/2024 3:32pm australian time Offense committed flying around the map Additional...
  8. 8

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player BrAvOrEd8875

    Players In Game Name BrAvOrEd8875 Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF3 ALL CONQUEST MAPS | NO LAG | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? 888SLUG888 Date and time approximately 27/12/2023 8.05AM Offense committed HACKING Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)