Recent content by Alteredacer

  1. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player JefffreyTDR

    Players In Game Name JefffreyTDR Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 11:23 12/21/25 Offense committed racial bypass ladder style at the end of the game. Additional comments ..
  2. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Bee5MakeHoney

    Players In Game Name Bee5MakeHoney Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 12::35 2/20/25 Offense committed racial bypass A bunch of discussion about the word he bypassed after 2...
  3. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player D5837ab60c7cd994

    Players In Game Name D5837ab60c7cd994 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 2/19/25 11:40 Offense committed racial bypass using the word monkey over and over again to describe...
  4. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rob0193

    There used to be a local store chain called Radio Shak, who sold "electronics kits" like TV's then later computers. It was well known as the trash-80
  5. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rob0193

    Yeah, gave up looking for his name page, it (stats server)must be running on a Trsh80 from the 1980's
  6. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rob0193

    Players In Game Name rob0193 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 7;40 2/14/25 Offense committed racial bypass Additional comments Note irolup had some interesting words he...
  7. Alteredacer


    Seems he is done
  8. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player OkayillDoit

    Additionally here is the same player using a movement glitch.
  9. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player OkayillDoit

    buried bump, he continues to target me, I wonder if he is "someone else" with an old grudge
  10. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player A_dog344

    Players In Game Name A_dog344 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 12:36 2/6/25 Offense committed racial byapss...
  11. Alteredacer

    need help please !!!

    You are incredibly naive if you think the nickname is the reason.
  12. Alteredacer

    need help please !!!

    And your appeal with bf4db was denied by bf4db staff.
  13. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player OkayillDoit

    Players In Game Name OkayillDoit Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 11:30 2/2/25 Offense committed team griefing I have been trying to ignore his antics for the last 10 days...
  14. Alteredacer

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Fedglow

    Players In Game Name Fedglow Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? Battlefield 4 - All conquest maps - normal What is your in game name? Alteredacer Date and time approximately 1/23/25 11:55 Offense committed racial bypass...