So last Thursday you refused to lift a ban for someone using the word "Jew" when describing Ben Shapiro and your reason was "In most cases the word is used in a derogative manner towards another person and is considered a slur. Falls under our rules against using Slurs of Racial or Derogatory...
My first time connecting to your Hardcore server I was greeted by being called a hacker and then called a "Fag" not only in one match but then the NEXT match afterwards, and upon reading the chat logs, EVEN after I disconnected... You seem to not consider this Intentional Toxicity so that is...
I will respect your decision as an admin, however I would take this moment to acknowledge how off putting it is that Racism isn't allowed but excessive use of homophobic slurs is acceptable.
Taken straight from your typed out Rules it states
"if a player is to begin to spam chat, or fill it...
Players In Game Name --19Hunter70--
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -
What is your in game name? FleahFox
Date and time approximately 03/06/2023 - 1PM EST
Offense committed Constant toxicity in chat, Constantly...