Recent content by Hellhole

  1. Hellhole

    What a poopy place to poop

    What a poopy place to poop
  2. Hellhole

    Blue_Monkey, I've come to realize this recently as well. Shame nothing is done about it.

    Blue_Monkey, I've come to realize this recently as well. Shame nothing is done about it.
  3. Hellhole

    How to be an a$$hole in bf4

    Since this didn't show in the players to watch for, and someone locked that thread, here ya go.... more rickwin067 crud.... The media embedding isn't working for some reason. Here's the url:
  4. Hellhole

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rickwin067

    Players In Game Name rickwin067 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? Gazzzy Date and time approximately 7/25/2022 ~4:30AM GMT Offense committed Exploit Additional comments Here's another example of how...
  5. Hellhole

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rickwin067

    For those who are confused: I'm not accusing this person of HACKING. The video obviously shows no hacks but it should be obvious that the guy uses some crazy advantage by playing the way he does and when he (he's usually the only one doing this) does so, he crushes the server and pisses everyone...
  6. Hellhole

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rickwin067

    I don't use shadowplay. Not sure what you mean by the rest of that.
  7. Hellhole

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rickwin067

    Players In Game Name rickwin067 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? Gazzzy Date and time approximately 7/24/2022 7:30pm Offense committed Crazy sh!t Additional comments WTF is up with this and why is...
  8. Hellhole

    Could we get a 90hz Operation Metro Reboot?

    Hi Matt and thanks for the super-fast response! If they do indeed reboot themselves every day, then yeah, no need to reboot. However, a number of us have noticed the server acting very strangely during the past week, maybe two. If you want to discuss it with your most regular regulars, join us...
  9. Hellhole


    As you may or may not know, BF4 hacks are very easy to get and can apparently be used without consequence now as evidenced by the onslaught of YouTube videos that keep getting pushed out daily. See pic below. I searched Youtube for "BF4 hacks" and sorted by date. Will the cheating a-holes ever...
  10. Hellhole

    Could we get a 90hz Operation Metro Reboot?

    Hey TBG! Could someone please reboot the 90hz Operation Metro All Weapons server? :Many of us have noticed very odd behavior (strange lag, warping, extremely baaaad hit reg, etc). We would appreciate a reboot if someone could do that. Thanks, Gazzy.
  11. Hellhole


    Metro 24/7 90hz... I've had it with the f**king automatic team switching bullshit on this server!!!! Why is it that every time I get in a squad with friends I get yanked out to the opposite side???? WTF! I'm so sick of that crap!!!!!!!
  12. Hellhole

    How tf is this even possible?

    Thank you Siny. That all makes good sense. I appreciate the mind-expansion! :)
  13. Hellhole

    How tf is this even possible?

    I've been playing this game since it launched and never seen scores like this. Clutch runs medic all the time and right at the very end of the round, WHILE DEAD, his score went from 177 to 180. Maybe with clays, but that's support. How tf does this even happen without hacks?
  14. Hellhole

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player ItsMisterClutch and also TheGarbinour

    Players In Game Name ItsMisterClutch and also TheGarbinour Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? Gazzzy Date and time approximately 4/26/22 round ended at 3:05pm MST Offense committed Possible ESP or aim...
  15. Hellhole

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Lavencer

    Makes perfect sense. Thanks