Recent content by LeFreeze

  1. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player GustavoMatrix,racial%20slur%20against%20black%20people.
  2. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player GustavoMatrix

    makako = macaco = monkey.... is the same as using the N word in the states...
  3. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player GustavoMatrix

    Players In Game Name GustavoMatrix Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? NoehdaArca Date and time approximately 19 Oct 2022 20:43:09 Offense committed The player GustavoMatrix calling...
  4. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Torpon994

    It may be that google translator mistranslated the words from portuguese to english, but unfortunately it is my only resource
  5. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Torpon994

    I think it helps to understand the vision of the player doing the glitch and what others see
  6. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Torpon994

    is there any admin that understands the mechanics of throwing the med kit and jumping over it, to teleport?
  7. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Torpon994

    obs: I changed my player's name to NoehdaArca but this account is Lefreeze's when he comes back he changes it again
  8. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Torpon994

    Players In Game Name Torpon994 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? NoehdaArca Date and time approximately 19:32 Offense committed Hi, I'm Rafael who is playing on LeFreeze's account while he...
  9. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player coryxone

    Players In Game Name coryxone Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? LeFreeze Date and time approximately 2 Feb 2022 18:50 Offense committed doing Movment Glitch to gain advantage Additional comments
  10. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Lakhman1122

    Players In Game Name Lakhman1122 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? LeFreeze Date and time approximately 15 Jan 2022 21:28:48 Offense committed abusing of glitch movments Additional...
  11. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player TCC_Analog

    screenshots here marked in red, from the beggining ( when and why it started )
  12. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player TCC_Analog

    Players In Game Name TCC_Analog Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | OPERATION METRO ALL WEAPONS | What is your in game name? LeFreeze Date and time approximately 9 Jan 2022 17:24:38 Offense committed implied racism /offensive comments Additional...
  13. LeFreeze

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player pedersen352

    @KSG12Thomas attach your screenshots on a reply here :)
  14. LeFreeze

    also a sniper.. hahahahaa

    also a sniper.. hahahahaa