Recent content by RIOTACT1969

  1. RIOTACT1969

    [Squad] Post Scriptum, USA Forces Gameplay

    had a great game the other day just in the cap shot soooo many fuckers in the back sitting in a bush lol
  2. RIOTACT1969

    [Squad] Post Scriptum, USA Forces Gameplay

    ya its a lot better its still kinda slow paced at times but the rally system that's in it now really makes it better than some pos truck in the middle of no place seems like hit boxes are better the americans having semi auto fuck that old 98k fuck
  3. RIOTACT1969

    New Senior Admin - The Purple Lemon

    Nice now if I could ever figure out what is wrong with my pc I could play
  4. RIOTACT1969

    [Squad] Last recap is amazing!

    that looks good hope they don't wreck anything
  5. RIOTACT1969

    [Squad] What FPS are you getting? And what hardware?

    I get about the same every thing maxed running i74790k 32gb corsair veng. gigabite 1080 850 evo 1 tb ssd western digital 7200 1 tb z97 msi mobo
  6. RIOTACT1969

    I just don't know how you guys do it?

    YOU NEED TO BE SNEEKY SNEEKY running full sprint alone will only result in failure go slow and check corners when in forest bound cover to cover
  7. RIOTACT1969

    Soulzz' Pizza Parlour?

    I sure hope so that was the gayest shit I have seen in a while what kind of stuff do u have to be looking up to find that shit
  8. RIOTACT1969

    From yesterday

    lmfao hahahahha
  9. RIOTACT1969

    [Squad] Fobs in the Water, new rule?

    well it kind a is unfair really as you really cant hear the comms coming off of it which can make it impossible to find which gives an unfair advantage
  10. RIOTACT1969

    Sixers camel toes NSFW

    oh my god lmfao
  11. RIOTACT1969

    New Rule to Server

    that sounds better than trying to monitor sl with no mics
  12. RIOTACT1969

    squad whitelist request

    what does it take to get whitelist?