Recent content by sagala33

  1. S

    Reporting Player(s) - bf3

    Reporting player(s)Game bf3 The name of the server 24-7 metro Date/time: 1202 Player(s) name [WTF] Tpycuku_lol Offense committed hax Evidence look at his stats Comments he could knife from across the map
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    Metro Clarity

    Cracky here is a link to the first game you @killed me. Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 Here is a link to the second game where I was @killed and then kicked. Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 To help you refresh your memory. I have not played on the TBG server since the...
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    Metro Clarity

    I think you are mistaken, I was on the team that was pushing your team back both rounds that you killed me. To be honest it seemed like you guys were abusing your admin when @killing me, because my MAV work was effective. Anyways I understand what your saying but disagree with you. The MAV is...
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    Metro Clarity

    But who are you to tell me how to play a game? I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful and I understand other communities cater to different play styles, but whats the point of playing a game if I cant play it in a manner that pleases me? Do I really need to conform to all the other metro...
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    Metro Clarity

    I was just wanting to seek clarity on the rules for the server **24/7 METRO NO RESTRICTION | | 1000 TIX | NO LAG. I've been playing on your sever for about a month now and really enjoy the server/players that play there. Now today I was playing and it became a campfest so I...