Recent content by simple11

  1. S

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player soundberg

    Yaa....sorry I didn't spec but here are some video from my point of view. TK for Jet - Using Helo gunner to (attempt) destroy of attack helo (I crashed to not allow him to tk our team) - Chat logs will show other users complaining about him trolling.
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player soundberg

    Players In Game Name soundberg Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US - What is your in game name? simple11 Date and time approximately July 12 2021 - 10:23pm Pacific Offense committed Intentional Team attacking in at US...
  3. S

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player oSCRATo

    Players In Game Name oSCRATo Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US - What is your in game name? simple11 Date and time approximately July 4th 12:40am Pacific Offense committed RAWR in Locker Additional comments...
  4. S

    Hell Let Loose server

    Great game, needs a lot of patience, and loads more team work.
  5. S

    [BF4] DICE & DICE LA Skins

    Shiii I did the Dragon Valley one, did not know about the Parcel storm. BF4 Lantern App was a huge help and only needed to be a recon with MAV.
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    DICE LA Camo Server for next 48 hours

    If you are looking to get the DICO LA Camo from the Dragon Valley, I have rented a Server for the next 48 hours purely for this reason. I am also more than happy to help out. Don't forge to get the Battlefield 4 Lantern app on Google Play store (sorry, no iOS version). Origin: simple11 (send me...
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    Map: Operation Locker Time of Day: ~2:15pm Pacific Server: Hardcore Every hack possible. The no direct spectating (and no sound), but you can see him flying around E on the map. That is no lag.
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    PC: PS4...

    PC: PS4: