Recent content by smartnamehere

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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player PktLossShooter

    Players In Game Name PktLossShooter Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? UCAV_Degenerate Date and time approximately Nov 5 1:05am Central Offense committed Throwing C4 on teammates so that the enemy...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player ObamaBenAladin

    Players In Game Name ObamaBenAladin Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? UCAV_Degenerate Date and time approximately Oct 1st around 9 - 9:15 pm Offense committed Bypassing filter Additional comments (DID NOT...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player MeatBicycle, Kmudkipz

    Players In Game Name MeatBicycle, Kmudkipz Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? smartnamehere Date and time approximately August 26th 11:50pm Central Offense committed Team griefing, Meat would put...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player xMICRO

    Players In Game Name xMICRO Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? smartnamehere Date and time approximately August 26th 10:05pm Central Offense committed Glitching with the hovercraft Additional...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rubix820

    Players In Game Name rubix820 Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? smartnamehere Date and time approximately 8/3/2021 around 8 Central Offense committed Griefing, blocking mortars, putting C4 nearby...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player YK-AORUS and Heli_pro_player_

    Players In Game Name YK-AORUS and Heli_pro_player_ Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? smartnamehere Date and time approximately July 4th around 9:50 Central Offense committed Heli_pro_player_ was...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player DementiaJoeB

    Players In Game Name DementiaJoeB Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? smartnamehere Date and time approximately Feb 18th around 10:00pm Central Offense committed Bypassing racial filter Additional...
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    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player AuthoriTEA

    Players In Game Name AuthoriTEA Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC | What is your in game name? smartnamehere Date and time approximately Feb 12 around 11:00pm central Offense committed Glitching in Gulf of Oman, hiding inside...
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    [BF4] New Golmund 24/7

    I'm really sad the rush server is gone. I played on it exclusively if it was even half full. I'd love to see a server like the one Ditch described if we can't get a rush one going. I agree about Graveyard and Final Stand, people get bored in those. Ditto on the Dragon's Teeth maps, those are the...
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    [BF4] DLC for thanksgiving???

    Hey smokerob, if this post doesn't work, maybe you can try the other "channels" you said you have at your disposal to get what you want.
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    How to deal with UCAV players

    Hmm don't see him on my list either... @smokerob79 are you having UCAV wet dreams again?
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    How to deal with UCAV players

    Oh Smokerob, it's good to see your salt spilling over to the forums. Makes it more fun when you rage quit cause of the UCAVs