Recent content by StabemKillerman

  1. StabemKillerman

    TBG song from joelebroy

    I was on youtube the other day on your channel looking for these! Not there! I was seriously disappointed! These are GOLD!
  2. StabemKillerman

    Happy Holidays everyone

    Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
  3. StabemKillerman

    Cow Stuff @cowbellkevin

  4. StabemKillerman

    Cow Humor

  5. StabemKillerman

    Cow Humor

    @Cowbell Kevin
  6. StabemKillerman

    It's that time of the year again!

  7. StabemKillerman

    Lead Singer Extraordinaire

  8. StabemKillerman

    Cowassic Park

    @Cowbell Kevin
  9. StabemKillerman

    New to TBG forums here.

    Welcome! Come in and have a cold one! Fast is buying!
  10. StabemKillerman

    Hello to all ... I just joined

    so when you say "bf3" you are referring to the game and not your penis right? I didn't know you Canadians could uninstall your unit and then actually reinstall it!!! Wow the things people can do these day's.......
  11. StabemKillerman

    Happy Holidays to all

    Happy Christmas Matt!
  12. StabemKillerman


    everybody on this thread except me is gay. Jhonny more so that anybody else he's actually GHay! lol
  13. StabemKillerman

    Post your gats

    I have 2 Ariska type 99's one was sporterized no mum, the one below my MG34 is 98% complete and the mum is intact! I have a k89k bnz41, two mosins 1 M44 tula arsenal (rare) and an 1891/30, Short magazine Lee Enfield, and of course the MG34. It's original except for the receiver of course as i...