Recent content by Statistic68

  1. Statistic68


    Kinda sounds fun..
  2. Statistic68


    I'm not sure he was hacking but I just wanted a look. Never seen a whole clan banned from one look though, interesting.
  3. Statistic68


    This guy hit me through a building with a tank..
  4. Statistic68

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone!!
  5. Statistic68

    [BF3] Why your balance system sucks

    We've found that when we don't allow people to try to play with their squads/friends, the servers population goes down. If they do get split up, they spend the first 10% of the game trying to switch back teams to play with their friends. It's a trade-off. When I'm on, I try to remind people...
  6. Statistic68

    BF 6 Gibraltar map

    You guys are H8TIN and you haven't even seen what they do yet :p
  7. Statistic68

    BF 6 Gibraltar map
  8. Statistic68


    I had a similar problem because my flight stick was plugged in, and the little lever that i use for accelerate my enginer was pushed all the way up. Had to unplug it.
  9. Statistic68

    Battlefield 7 news
  10. Statistic68

    Social Security Breach

    I'm bumping this up because my original text got cut off for the most important part, freezing your credit.
  11. Statistic68

    Social Security Breach

    There was a massive social security data breach this week. I'm suggesting all of my family and friends protect themselves and here is how. 1. Sign up for a credit monitoring services you you don't already have one. This is optional but I still suggest it. Mine costs me about $12/mo. 2. Go to...
  12. Statistic68

    Favorite battlefield moments?

    2142 and Bad Company 2
  13. Statistic68

    Finally made my third drum video

    Yes i was but my wife adapted so i stopped trying to seal it up, but i have like $1000 more worth of that foam..
  14. Statistic68

    Finally made my third drum video

    I played jet city back in the day, I used to play allot of QR back when I was 19. i played drums for 1 year then quit until I was 42 which is about 12 years ago... I had to relearn how to play... and eventually made those 3 video's. I could technically make about 35 video's if i got off my ass.