Recent content by Ted Cruz

  1. Ted Cruz

    West Coast bound!

    Watch out for the hippies
  2. Ted Cruz

    Names these days

    Many people dont know the true spelling of Ted Cruz is Turd Cruz. My mother wanted to be unique
  3. Ted Cruz

    [Squad] What FPS are you getting? And what hardware?

    I believe the devs made a post after 10.1 released about how v 10 is not optimized and they are working on it now Edit: Here is the part of the dev post that I am referring to. "A focus of our work in these past 3 weeks has been performance of the game. Particular problem areas identified were...
  4. Ted Cruz

    [Squad] Best Fobs Thread!

    The best FOBs are the ones you can actually get out of... Which is pretty rare nowadays
  5. Ted Cruz

    [Squad] What FPS are you getting? And what hardware?

    Strange, I have a I3 6100 and 1050ti and I usually never dip below 40 FPS, except on like Basrah. Clearing out my SSD did help but seems that isn't your issue. I have DDR4 ram but I doubt that's what is causing it. What settings are you running?