Recent content by ThrowingWrenches

  1. ThrowingWrenches

    TBG BF3 Server Down?

    The server page disappears when there’s 0 people in there. It’s showing 1 person now so maybe refresh?
  2. ThrowingWrenches

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player StickDriftDaddy

    He’s not breaking any rules by saying that. You can hide chat by pressing H. Also, nice kill.
  3. ThrowingWrenches


    God I love this….and you ofc
  4. ThrowingWrenches

    whercfub - slithering in metro and locker

    I have killed/warned this player 2 times now, once in locker , once in metro. Unfortunately i did not have instant replay on. If any of you see this and are able to capture it on video please report it to an admin. Thanks.
  5. ThrowingWrenches

    BF3 & BF4 All Map Rotations Fix?

    Promoting other servers on our website is not allowed. Do not advertise here again please or you will risk being banned from our site. Thank you.
  6. ThrowingWrenches

    BF3 & BF4 All Map Rotations Fix?

    Kharg island is also a server killer most of the time as well. It seems to ALWAYS end up 1 sided and the RU get stuck in the deployment and its nearly impossible to get out. Same with seine crossing although its in our rotation.
  7. ThrowingWrenches

    BF3 & BF4 All Map Rotations Fix?

    I agree on mixing up the BF3 list but a lot of maps you listed for both 3/4 have proven to kill the server in the past. Tehran highway is a prime example.
  8. ThrowingWrenches

    BF3 Co-op Unlocks Question

    As far as I know you just need a friend to squad up with. Just need to have the person added on battlelog to invite to get it started. I’m sure if you ask around in a server someone will be willing to help.
  9. ThrowingWrenches

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player marc gravel

    I guess we just have to ban mister pcase then
  10. ThrowingWrenches

    [BF3] Why your balance system sucks

    That’s what the surrender vote is for , I think we’ve clarified everything here.
  11. ThrowingWrenches

    [BF3] Why your balance system sucks

    The balance on BF3 has been a problem for several years even before custom servers. Take Kharg Island for a prime example on the RU side. When they get pushed back it’s nearly impossible to get out. I agree it would be fair for people to use our !assist system but we can’t force it as I...
  12. ThrowingWrenches

    Post it on the thread.

    Post it on the thread.
  13. ThrowingWrenches

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player [OUT]lula_l4drao

    Can you please provide videos next time so we have something to go off of?
  14. ThrowingWrenches

    LVL 85 sweatlock

    LVL 85 sweatlock
  15. ThrowingWrenches

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Flashswede

    Chat logs are shown on our stat page. Type in player name and date and you can read everything they’ve said.