Recent content by TreyD

  1. TreyD

    NFL Playoffs

    All that matters is the trophy at the end :)
  2. TreyD

    NFL Playoffs

    Everyone in here is wrong. The Pats are the only team to be cheering on.
  3. TreyD

    Offline until this weekend

    Hey everyone, just now finding time to sit down and give you all a heads up that I will be offline until this weekend due to finals. See you in squad in a few days!!
  4. TreyD

    Introduction thread, let’s get to know eachother!

    I ride a 2014 triumph street triple. Look into some of triumphs modern classics if you want a bike that is more favorable for your back! The boneville and the t120 are fantastic bikes.
  5. TreyD

    Introduction thread, let’s get to know eachother!

    I’m currently a University student studying interactive digital studies. I ride motorcycles a lot and play games in my free time. I work for a company doing the 3D printing of metal casting molds out of sand. Ask me anything you want about that and I’ll tell you whatever I am allowed to! Those...