102 Things NOT To Do If You Hate Taxes


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
Well, since you do not like taxes or government, please kindly do the following.

1. Do not use Medicare.
2. Do not use Social Security
3. Do not become a member of the US military, who are paid with tax dollars.
4. Do not ask the National Guard to help you after a disaster.
5. Do not call 911 when you get hurt.
6. Do not call the police to stop intruders in your home.
7. Do not summon the fire department to save your burning home.
8. Do not drive on any paved road, highway, and interstate or drive on any bridge.
9. Do not use public restrooms.
10. Do not send your kids to public schools.11. Do not put your trash out for city garbage collectors.
12. Do not live in areas with clean air.
13. Do not drink clean water.
14. Do not visit National Parks.
15. Do not visit public museums, zoos, and monuments.
16. Do not eat or use FDA inspected food and medicines.
17. Do not bring your kids to public playgrounds.
18. Do not walk or run on sidewalks.
19. Do not use public recreational facilities such as basketball and tennis courts.
20. Do not seek shelter facilities or food in soup kitchens when you are homeless and hungry.
21. Do not apply for educational or job training assistance when you lose your job.
22. Do not apply for food stamps when you can?t feed your children.
23. Do not use the judiciary system for any reason.
24. Do not ask for an attorney when you are arrested and do not ask for one to be assigned to you by the court.
25. Do not apply for any Pell Grants.
26. Do not use cures that were discovered by labs using federal dollars.
27. Do not fly on federally regulated airplanes.
28. Do not use any product that can trace its development back to NASA.
29. Do not watch the weather provided by the National Weather Service.
30. Do not listen to severe weather warnings from the National Weather Service.
31. Do not listen to tsunami, hurricane, or earthquake alert systems.
32. Do not apply for federal housing.
33. Do not use the internet, which was developed by the military.
34. Do not swim in clean rivers.
35. Do not allow your child to eat school lunches or breakfasts.
36. Do not ask for FEMA assistance when everything you own gets wiped out by disaster.
37. Do not ask the military to defend your life and home in the event of a foreign invasion.
38. Do not use your cell phone or home telephone.
39. Do not buy firearms that wouldn?t have been developed without the support of the US Government and military. That includes most of them.
40. Do not eat USDA inspected produce and meat.
41. Do not apply for government grants to start your own business.
42. Do not apply to win a government contract.
43. Do not buy any vehicle that has been inspected by government safety agencies.
44. Do not buy any product that is protected from poisons, toxins, etc?by the Consumer Protection Agency.
45. Do not save your money in a bank that is FDIC insured.
46. Do not use Veterans benefits or military health care.
47. Do not use the G.I. Bill to go to college.
48. Do not apply for unemployment benefits.
49. Do not use any electricity from companies regulated by the Department of Energy.
50. Do not live in homes that are built to code.
51. Do not run for public office. Politicians are paid with taxpayer dollars.
52. Do not ask for help from the FBI, S.W.A.T, the bomb squad, Homeland Security, State troopers, etc?
53. Do not apply for any government job whatsoever as all state and federal employees are paid with tax dollars.
54. Do not use public libraries.
55. Do not use the US Postal Service.
56. Do not visit the National Archives.
57. Do not visit Presidential Libraries.
58. Do not use airports that are secured by the federal government.
59. Do not apply for loans from any bank that is FDIC insured.
60. Do not ask the government to help you clean up after a tornado.
61. Do not ask the Department of Agriculture to provide a subsidy to help you run your farm.
62. Do not take walks in National Forests.
63. Do not ask for taxpayer dollars for your oil company.
64. Do not ask the federal government to bail your company out during recessions.
65. Do not seek medical care from places that use federal dollars.
66. Do not use Medicaid.
67. Do not use WIC.
68. Do not use electricity generated by Hoover Dam.
69. Do not use electricity or any service provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
70. Do not ask the Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild levees when they break.
71. Do not let the Coast Guard save you from drowning when your boat capsizes at sea.
72. Do not ask the government to help evacuate you when all hell breaks loose in the country you are in.
73. Do not visit historic landmarks.
74. Do not visit fisheries.
75. Do not expect to see animals that are federally protected because of the Endangered Species List.
76. Do not expect plows to clear roads of snow and ice so your kids can go to school and so you can get to work.
77. Do not hunt or camp on federal land.
78. Do not work anywhere that has a safe workplace because of government regulations.
79. Do not use public transportation.
80. Do not drink water from public water fountains.
81. Do not whine when someone copies your work and sells it as their own. Government enforces copyright laws.
82. Do not expect to own your home, car, or boat. Government organizes and keeps all titles.
83. Do not expect convicted felons to remain off the streets.
84. Do not eat in restaurants that are regulated by food quality and safety standards.
85. Do not seek help from the US Embassy if you need assistance in a foreign nation.
86. Do not apply for a passport to travel outside of the United States.
87. Do not apply for a patent when you invent something.
88. Do not adopt a child through your local, state, or federal governments.
89.Do not use elevators that have been inspected by federal or state safety regulators.
90. Do not use any resource that was discovered by the USGS.
91. Do not ask for energy assistance from the government.
92. Do not move to any other developed nation, because the taxes are much higher.
93. Do not go to a beach that is kept clean by the state.
94. Do not use money printed by the US Treasury.
95. Do not complain when millions more illegal immigrants cross the border because there are no more border patrol agents.
96. Do not attend a state university.
97. Do not see any doctor that is licensed through the state.
98. Do not use any water from municipal water systems.
99. Do not complain when diseases and viruses, that were once fought around the globe by the US government and CDC, reach your house.
100. Do not work for any company that is required to pay its workers a livable wage, provide them sick days, vacation days, and benefits.
101. Do not expect to be able to vote on election days. Government provides voting booths, election day officials, and voting machines which are paid for with taxes.
102. Do not ride trains. The railroad was built with government financial assistance.
Well, since you do not like taxes or government, please kindly do the following.

1. Do not use Medicare.
2. Do not use Social Security. You paid into the system; your normal tax dollars are not supposed to fund it.
3. Do not become a member of the US military, who are paid with tax dollars.
4. Do not ask the National Guard to help you after a disaster.
5. Do not call 911 when you get hurt. Part of your mandatory phone bill.
6. Do not call the police to stop intruders in your home. Police and sheriffs are local government agents; their salary does not effect your federal taxes.
7. Do not summon the fire department to save your burning home. Once again, local government or even private contractors paid as a sort of insurance policy.
8. Do not drive on any paved road, highway, and interstate or drive on any bridge. Local & state roads, highways, and most bridges are under the control of your local county or state; only avoid Interstates. Feel free to drive on toll roads.
9. Do not use public restrooms. Most fall under local or state governments and were built and managed by local contractors.
10. Do not send your kids to public schools. That's part of property taxes, though public schools have shown quite well that they can't compete with private schools even with twice or thrice or more the funding.
11. Do not put your trash out for city garbage collectors. It's a contract with the town; we had a referendum to decide who our trash collectors would be and the costs and benefits attached.
12. Do not live in areas with clean air. Clean air is not the government's responsibility. Further, you've tried to eliminate a lot of open land that is clean and far away from governments or property taxes.
13. Do not drink clean water. One can clean their own water. Likewise, my town's sanitation department manages the water and pipes. I'm more than glad to pay them to sanitize water from the Hudson river.
14. Do not visit National Parks.
15. Do not visit public museums, zoos, and monuments. State-run, privately-owned, and erected & maintained by donations...??
16. Do not eat or use FDA inspected food and medicines. Good advice; the FDA is pretty much bullshit. Farmers' Markets, pot, and cocaine it is!
17. Do not bring your kids to public playgrounds. Run by charity organizations or local communities?
18. Do not walk or run on sidewalks. Built by the town, insured & maintained by your neighbors. Federal government has very little to do with this.
19. Do not use public recreational facilities such as basketball and tennis courts. Most of which are privately owned. Those that are publicly owned are very poorly maintained.
20. Do not seek shelter facilities or food in soup kitchens when you are homeless and hungry. Run by charitable organizations like churches? Riiight.
21. Do not apply for educational or job training assistance when you lose your job. There are private firms that do both; many vocational schools are for-profit institutions.
22. Do not apply for food stamps when you can?t feed your children.
23. Do not use the judiciary system for any reason. My town clerk included? What about my county court?
24. Do not ask for an attorney when you are arrested and do not ask for one to be assigned to you by the court.
25. Do not apply for any Pell Grants. It'd probably be a good thing; influence colleges to reduce tuition to more manageable levels. Sorry, I don't think we need a $10M auditorium.
26. Do not use cures that were discovered by labs using federal dollars. There really aren't that many cures out there. A lot of remedies but, usually, it's about managing a disease or the symptoms.
27. Do not fly on federally regulated airplanes. Airliners pay most regulatory costs out-of-pocket; they should be charged directly for the FAA and airfare rates should be set accordingly. Already, many airports are privately-held and can charge whatever landing fee they'd like.
28. Do not use any product that can trace its development back to NASA. You're assuming that private enterprise didn't deliver a product prior to being requested. Technology will advance regardless of government actions.
29. Do not watch the weather provided by the National Weather Service. One could use a hobbyist network for weather information.
30. Do not listen to severe weather warnings from the National Weather Service. Not our choice; it blares on every channel regardless.
31. Do not listen to tsunami, hurricane, or earthquake alert systems. Other than tornado alert systems, I've yet to see those alert systems implemented in the C48.
32. Do not apply for federal housing. Why would anyone want to?
33. Do not use the internet, which was developed by the military. Actually, developed by universities. If you're talking about the network itself, that belongs to private fiber companies who can rent or lease fiber to various ISPs or charge traffic by the terabyte.
34. Do not swim in clean rivers. There are some clean water sources left--no thanks to the government. Plus, federally-mandated dredging makes waterways significantly dirtier.
35. Do not allow your child to eat school lunches or breakfasts. The school is paid for the food and labor involved.
36. Do not ask for FEMA assistance when everything you own gets wiped out by disaster. Not that anyone would want to: FEMA is a mess.
37. Do not ask the military to defend your life and home in the event of a foreign invasion. That's actually required of the federal government. Explicitly. I'd rather ask the military not to invade foreign countries.
38. Do not use your cell phone or home telephone. Cellphone network, owned by Sprint/Verizon. Home telephone network, owned by Verizon. Those are private communication networks.
39. Do not buy firearms that wouldn?t have been developed without the support of the US Government and military. That includes most of them. Well that's alright--there's plenty of foreign guns and many variations developed for the military but rejected for various reasons.
40. Do not eat USDA inspected produce and meat. I'm more concerned about what the USDA refuses to bar; growth hormones for one.
41. Do not apply for government grants to start your own business. If one cannot afford bank loans, the business plan is probably b0rk3d already.
42. Do not apply to win a government contract. Grant-writing is my favorite past time, ya know?
43. Do not buy any vehicle that has been inspected by government safety agencies. Meeting a government imperative does not mean that the imperative caused the product to be made in the first place.
44. Do not buy any product that is protected from poisons, toxins, etc?by the Consumer Protection Agency. You're right--I'd rather sue the fuck outta the fuckers who made it. Can you say $10M settlement?
45. Do not save your money in a bank that is FDIC insured. Banks pay for that INSURANCE. Further, there are non-FDIC banks and of course credit unions with equivalent insurance policies.
46. Do not use Veterans benefits or military health care. Those are benefits paid as a result of your service; you've earned them already. They should be budgeted as part of your pay. But if you've excluded military services, this and the next are moot.
47. Do not use the G.I. Bill to go to college.
48. Do not apply for unemployment benefits. Your past & future employers pays for these benefits, not the government.
49. Do not use any electricity from companies regulated by the Department of Energy. Now that's difficult, since the DoE basically took over the energy industry.
50. Do not live in homes that are built to code. Building a sound house does not mean you're building to code; a house is a durable good and real asset so it'd be better to treat it as such.
51. Do not run for public office. Politicians are paid with taxpayer dollars. You could refuse your salary and benefits.
52. Do not ask for help from the FBI, S.W.A.T, the bomb squad, Homeland Security, State troopers, etc? I've never asked for help from any of them and State Troopers are paid for by your state--not the federal government.
53. Do not apply for any government job whatsoever as all state and federal employees are paid with tax dollars.
54. Do not use public libraries. My public library system is funded by my county and supplemental funding comes from selling old books & media.
55. Do not use the US Postal Service. That's not feasible either, since UPS, Fedex, DHL, etc. are barred from delivering regular mail. It's illegal for them--the USPS has a government mandate to monopolize the delivery of mail.
56. Do not visit the National Archives.
57. Do not visit Presidential Libraries. Some of which are funded by the late president's estate.
58. Do not use airports that are secured by the federal government. I'd rather fly privately--and that's another mandate that cannot be sidestepped without being labeled a terrorist by the same government.
59. Do not apply for loans from any bank that is FDIC insured. Shows lack of understanding of our Financial system; a banking being FDIC insured or not has nothing to do with loans. Loans can be secured by property or unsecured and their values vary based on interest rates and credit worthiness, among other things.
60. Do not ask the government to help you clean up after a tornado. No; ask your tornado insurer instead.
61. Do not ask the Department of Agriculture to provide a subsidy to help you run your farm. Definitely--though I'd prefer if the DoA died entirely. Anyways, without subsidies, food prices would increase but it should decrease taxes. A subsidiary is basically an anti-tax.
62. Do not take walks in National Forests. Better statement: don't rely on National Park rangers if you get lost wandering public land.
63. Do not ask for taxpayer dollars for your oil company. I'd really prefer that--why should there be oil subsidiaries again?
64. Do not ask the federal government to bail your company out during recessions. I'd definitely prefer this: socialized losses and privatized profits are a big mark of crony capitalism. If you can't survive without government handouts, you shouldn't exist in the first place!
65. Do not seek medical care from places that use federal dollars. Least where I'm from, doctors join an association that helps manage their billing as well as reduces their individual rent and equipment expenses. Private insurance, church-run hospitals, and the like.
66. Do not use Medicaid.
67. Do not use WIC.
68. Do not use electricity generated by Hoover Dam. I'd rather there be no dams at all but whatever. I'd rather have nuclear power.
69. Do not use electricity or any service provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
70. Do not ask the Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild levees when they break.
71. Do not let the Coast Guard save you from drowning when your boat capsizes at sea. Instead, pack a lifeboat.
72. Do not ask the government to help evacuate you when all hell breaks loose in the country you are in. I've yet to see the government actually help with this sort of thing.
73. Do not visit historic landmarks. Some of which are privately owned, others locally owned, few federally owned.
74. Do not visit fisheries.
75. Do not expect to see animals that are federally protected because of the Endangered Species List. Once again, there are private institutions that do the same.
76. Do not expect plows to clear roads of snow and ice so your kids can go to school and so you can get to work. That's paid for by my county and some by the state. I'd rather pay and complain when they don't clear my street.
77. Do not hunt or camp on federal land. Hunting's usually better on privately-owned land anyway.
78. Do not work anywhere that has a safe workplace because of government regulations. Some companies actually want to protect their employees from daily hazards. Others wouldn't want to be sued over it.
79. Do not use public transportation.
80. Do not drink water from public water fountains. Located in privately-owned or locally-owned parks?
81. Do not whine when someone copies your work and sells it as their own. Government enforces copyright laws. The government doesn't enforce them--it manages their filing. The laws set determine if you have a case or not.
82. Do not expect to own your home, car, or boat. Government organizes and keeps all titles. My town clerk keeps a list of deeds and property maps. The clerk keeping the title and managing the titles has nothing to do with my ability to own real estate, cars, or boats.
83. Do not expect convicted felons to remain off the streets. That's a state function in most cases.
84. Do not eat in restaurants that are regulated by food quality and safety standards. Restaurants don't like to be sued for improper practices; food quality is subjective but food safety is far more direct. It's ultimately up to the restaurant and the consumers.
85. Do not seek help from the US Embassy if you need assistance in a foreign nation.
86. Do not apply for a passport to travel outside of the United States. Pay the fee, get the damn ID.
87. Do not apply for a patent when you invent something. Patents are pretty much BS as it is. You'd be better off hiring a lawyer instead.
88. Do not adopt a child through your local, state, or federal governments. Private adoption agencies are usually better choices regardless.
89.Do not use elevators that have been inspected by federal or state safety regulators. xkcd: Elevator Inspection
90. Do not use any resource that was discovered by the USGS. USGS surveys federally-owned land; resources are usually surveyed by private companies or their agents.
91. Do not ask for energy assistance from the government.
92. Do not move to any other developed nation, because the taxes are much higher. Not necessarily (taxes being higher).
93. Do not go to a beach that is kept clean by the state. At least in Jersey, beaches were owned and managed by the local communities--including cleanup.
94. Do not use money printed by the US Treasury. If you can call it money--it's just a denomination. Worthless FRN's!
95. Do not complain when millions more illegal immigrants cross the border because there are no more border patrol agents. Not that there's much here.
96. Do not attend a state university. Tuition is paid; more tuition for out-of-state students.
97. Do not see any doctor that is licensed through the state. Licensing happens to be a requirement in a lot of professions.
98. Do not use any water from municipal water systems. Water bills cover expenses in the acquisition, sanitation and delivery of drinking water.
99. Do not complain when diseases and viruses, that were once fought around the globe by the US government and CDC, reach your house. How many of those treatments spawned newer and far more contagious variations? Survival of the fittest applies to viruses and bacteria as well.
100. Do not work for any company that is required to pay its workers a livable wage, provide them sick days, vacation days, and benefits. Be paid what you're worth instead: companies will value their employees based on the work done and margins made on products produced or services rendered. Many companies invest tens of thousands of dollars in training costs--per employee. It's an investment they're making.
101. Do not expect to be able to vote on election days. Government provides voting booths, election day officials, and voting machines which are paid for with taxes. I'd rather have paper ballots and public counts.
102. Do not ride trains. The railroad was built with government financial assistance. What usually happened was crony agreements that 1 mile of track equals 10 square miles of land. That's how railroad companies came to own so much land before their bankruptcies.

103. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200
5 is kinda way outdated. Apparently 0% of taxes goto that shit at this point. You call 911 its like calling a 900 number. They charge you 3 bucks a minute, hang up on you when you start crying. Then charge you at least 300 bucks for the ambulance.

Calling the cops they come out and ask for their 99 bucks before they shoot the guy robbing you. But apparently calling them on drug addicts that spill pills all over the place is still free.