2142 hesitation


Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
I'm sure some of you have been following this but just in case.... I have no idea if you can do anything w/ this but some german guys fixed the lag on their 2142 server, i played it for roughly 3 hours w/ no hesitation. you can read the thread here http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/353973.page just go to the last page.
I haven't had any lag on our servers in a while. Then again, I hardly ever get lag when most say they are experiencing it in game.
Same here Six, have not had any lag in any server at all.
Haven't played the game in roughly 2 months, so no comment :).
Just left Suez and it was horribly laggy for everyone.

Once you sift through all the babble this is what they're doing and it seems to have fixed people lagging on their server:

"The PB streaming time was increased. The PB client is streaming to the PB Master Servers in certain intervals. And these intervals have been increased"

I'm not sure if this is something we could test/try.
We can definitely try it. I'll change the settings on our Suez and see if it helps.
Keeps lagging a little bit for me. I'll see with my new pc this weekend, my new GTX 280 might fix that..