2142 to Steam?


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
From Baza:

Is Battlefield 2142 ever coming to STEAM?

So I get this question a lot about what is taking so long bringing BF2142 to STEAM.

First there was the requirement of v1.51 on PC to be completed and released. Then, as some of you know from the forums, the plan was to wait for the Mac conversion to be completed before releasing on STEAM. However, the Mac conversion is taking longer than expected so this week the full version of BF2142 incluing v1.51 and Northern Strike went off to go through its process of being STEAM wrapped.

This is usually a pretty quick process but at this time I don’t have more exact dates as that will come down to Valve and EA discussions and agreements. As soon as I hear of a date that BF2142 will go on STEAM I will let you know.

Mac users, v1.51 including all the content is coming but there is no ETA on that yet either.

For those who have been asking, DVD and EA Store codes will not work with STEAM so you will not be able to redeem your code and have the option of downloading through STEAM instead of using disc or EA Store.

Is Battlefield 2142 ever coming to STEAM?
I'm surprised at this, STEAM don't usually take forever to release games, i mean they have BF3 up for preorder and that's not out for another 4~ Months... :S
I'm surprised at this, STEAM don't usually take forever to release games, i mean they have BF3 up for preorder and that's not out for another 4~ Months... :S

If you're not aware - I wouldn't even ask questions or get involved - what you don't know won't hurt you.
Yay, hopefully this will revive the game for a bit.. Till EA or Dice team kills it again.
If you havnt noticed, its an EA sale week on steam. I bet one day will be BF2, BC2, Vietnam, and new release of 2142
Damn, I was right about a Battlefield sale on steam, but no 2142