It's funny that you mention 35 seconds. What prompted me to time it was on Caspian
Interesting, I too had noticed something weird, not enough to time it...I try to not think about the detestable mAA except that I want it dead but I'm glad this discussion is happening. I just figured someone had stolen our mAA; but when I would look at the Battlescreen, I would ask myself "how did the mAA get there"? It was either that our mAA was stolen, or a fast respawn time, but it never occurred to me that the time was off until I read this discussion.
A looong time ago Mr.l3lue and I would count the respawn times and we noticed that back when this server had a gunship (and was known as Second Assault), the server crashed once....or maybe it was DDoS'd, either way whatever happened, when the server came back online and healthy, the respawn time of the gunship was noticeably faster (provided the team had a Commander and the team had the flag with the gunship captured of course).
Anyways I seem to recall that the time of the gunship to respawn was adjusted by
@Matt(FAST) . This happened before the forum discussion about removing the gunship,
and I think before this post was made by SunshineTheGoat.
I'm not trying to confuse the discussion, I'm just going by what I recall and I apologize ahead of time if I am wrong.
These are just my recollections and if anything, this discussion reminds me that DICE hates air.
I guess it doesn't much matter as BF1 will be out soon
It matters to me and those who will continue to play in this server, I will for sure. I'm happily avoiding BF1