Abe Lincoln Vampire hunter

Yeah you read that right... apparently we've come to the end of Hollywood's ability to create new movie ideas...

Read a book you ass! The title comes from the book, oddly enough it's titled Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter. The book was a novel concept, pardon the pun, and they've made it into a movie. There has been an upsurge in remaking classics or classical figures with historical fiction over the last 5 or 6 years.

Honestly, I"m surprised you haven't seen any more like this. But since it's obvious you have not, allow me list some of the popular titles in this genre.

George Washington, Werewolf.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Sense and Sensibility and Seamonsters.
Jayne Slayre (instead of Jayne Eyre)

I was not speaking of the book in any way shape of form. As I have yet to read any of these (and yes they seem interesting enough to download to my e-reader and read). My point was that Hollywood has not had any ideas of their own in quite a long time.. and the fact that its based on a book makes it, for lack of being able to come up with a better term, worse in my opinion due to the fact that very few books to movie ever come out anywhere close to how awesome the book was to begin with. And have actually ruined more stories for me, as I come from a family that enjoys reading for the exercise in imagination and pure enjoyment of reading. But that being said, I have difficulty in putting whats in my head into words that other people understand, so please don't call me an "ass" cause you misunderstood my personal opinion.

(I'd like to thank spell check for making most of this post readable)
BTW that video is just a commercial for the book. There is a movie coming out, but it's not whats in the video.