

Registered User
May 10, 2008
I will not be on game or team speak for about two maybe if i can not get my hard drive to work otherwise i need to wait till the fifteenth when i get paid. talk to you guys soon.
No worries man. I'm sure one of us has a spare :).
If anyone does that would be great but i dont think anything is wrong with it I just need to wipe ouot the entire harddrive o something. or just get a new one. I think I want to get a new since I didnt get one when I built my computer.
Oh and if anyone knows how to get a product key for windows 7 ultimate for free or really cheap. Please let me know. The asholes at my old job, Ultimate Electronics, computer guys gave a copy of the software but forgotto give me a key.
DO NOT WIPE IT. If the drive still works you can use Magic Jelly Bean to pull the product key from the Windows Registry to reinstall it. Do you have another computer that you can plug the drive into?
no i do not. im not sure if there even is a product key. I had the computer guys from last job install it. it might be a bootleg software. in any case i got the hard drive to work but now its saying i have adapter for my internet. I dont know what to do now.