Action Figure Therapy-urinating on dead taliban

For the first time ever I kind of disagree with AFT, dropping a deuce or putting out the fire is fine, it's spunking the corpse that goes a step too far. If these degenerate fucks were even halfway evolved from cro magnon they would be fighting in uniforms and actually be protected under the Geneva convention which only applies to human beings, uniformed military and under a flag. While it's not generally considered good form to urinate on the enemy, these things don't really qualify and in either case if you can do it from 8' away or further or from a second floor or higher then you may actually qualify for a separate and quite rare accuracy medal. People are mad at the wrong people here, the asshat that posted the video on youtube should be held accountable by his fellow Marines just like that piece of shit in the Army who emailed the Abu Ghraib pictures to 60 minutes. They both need to be standing tall before the man on only slightly lesser charges than Bradley Manning.
I got a good chuckle out of this one too.

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I know, right? Who hasn't wanted to throw down in a hardware store! Game on!