Actress says was duped, as anti-Islam film details emerge


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
Actress says was duped, as anti-Islam film details emerge | Reuters

So let me get this straight. You didn't read the script before taking the part and didn't realize during filming it was a anti-Islam movie. Whatever sweetheart, too late to have a change of heart. Now we know that you're completely useless at acting but great for porno.

Same "actress" but different pictures.
I watched the trailer, a lot of dialogue was clearly overdubbed very badly. The film as I saw it was more of a funny backyard movie than anything. One of the worst production value trailers in history. Why these stone age savages are flipping out is beyond me.
You can make fun every other religion except for Islam. I heard it was a terrible movie.
could someone pm me the link to what mac looked at?
what the fuck. cant we just get renno to throw the director out over benghazi and let them deal with him? thats fucked up.
The film was sponsored by Muslim-hating Jews (Israelis and they raised like $2M for it or something?). How anyone can accomplish such an atrocious piece of cunt of a movie with $2M is truly wondrous.
I still say who the fuck cares, the video has NOTHING to do with what's going on in Islam. They were looking for any sliver of reason to attack the west, if it wasn't this video it would have been drone strikes, or Israel preparing to attack Iran, or 5th fleet in Baharain, or some artist drawing a cartoon. The reason they are going batshit crazy is because THEY ARE BATSHIT CRAZY not because some dude made a really crappy video. Fuck 'em, 1.5 billion sociopaths can continue to live in the stone ages and it will continue to mean almost nothing to the world because that's how important they are. Too bad, they could have actually contributed to society and been valuable to human history.
To the protestors: Fuck off, stop thinking the rest of the world's out to get you.
To the filmmakers: Check out redtube. Learn about acting, editing and production value.
Not trying to be anti-islam or anything here. But why is it that people can make fun of any religion but Islam? Anyone makes a single crack about Islam and Muslims through a fit...
Not trying to be anti-islam or anything here. But why is it that people can make fun of any religion but Islam? Anyone makes a single crack about Islam and Muslims through a fit...

I fucking dare you to make fun of Taoism or that chinese buddhist warrior monk religion, lol. It's just that the stupid ass qu'ran burning pastor still has a grudge from the crusades and Islam is the most conservative religion out there (catholicism is NOT EVEN CLOSE - Trust me, i went out with an Iranian girl, she asked me why am i so friendly with her)
I fucking dare you to make fun of Taoism or that chinese buddhist warrior monk religion, lol. It's just that the stupid ass qu'ran burning pastor still has a grudge from the crusades and Islam is the most conservative religion out there (catholicism is NOT EVEN CLOSE - Trust me, i went out with an Iranian girl, she asked me why am i so friendly with her)

Lol, why would I make fun of Taoism? I am against organized religions. I think people should be free to worship who and whatever they want. I don't believe one needs to be in a religion to worship.
you remember when i discovered the meaning of life, what i meant was that i came upon this sentence: The fate of mankind is to fight eachother over their gods, when in truth, they are the gods themselves.

therefore, i worship myself, every time i walk past the mirror.
I can't believe that the guy the president, the secretary of state, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and MSLSD have all condemned is facing a Solmon Rushdie Fatwah. This is only news in that free speech has been openly attacked by every major network as well as the President and Secretary of State. Oh almost forgot the UN Secretary General also spoke out against the right to offend, and he's this administrations de facto spiritual leader. Double standards have double the offense.