Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
In the round above one of you'rs admins simple killed the entire opposing team so he wont lose a match. Thats simple shamefull.
I wouldn't expect that kind of behavior comming from you'r clan. I know a single player stopping playing on your server doesn't mean anything. But i will not recomend anyone again to play on your server. I dont want others to have to deal with this kind of behavior, it's childish and imature.
If this is a iternal rule, then i can only fell sorry for the other's who will play with\against your clan.
I await a response, or bashing depending your clan.
>) Mouzed
In the round above one of you'rs admins simple killed the entire opposing team so he wont lose a match. Thats simple shamefull.
I wouldn't expect that kind of behavior comming from you'r clan. I know a single player stopping playing on your server doesn't mean anything. But i will not recomend anyone again to play on your server. I dont want others to have to deal with this kind of behavior, it's childish and imature.
If this is a iternal rule, then i can only fell sorry for the other's who will play with\against your clan.
I await a response, or bashing depending your clan.
>) Mouzed