Admin Abuse


Registered User
Jul 29, 2012
Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

In the round above one of you'rs admins simple killed the entire opposing team so he wont lose a match. Thats simple shamefull.

I wouldn't expect that kind of behavior comming from you'r clan. I know a single player stopping playing on your server doesn't mean anything. But i will not recomend anyone again to play on your server. I dont want others to have to deal with this kind of behavior, it's childish and imature.

If this is a iternal rule, then i can only fell sorry for the other's who will play with\against your clan.

I await a response, or bashing depending your clan.

>) Mouzed
First, although I do not currently play BF3, I can assure you this is not a policy of this clan. I cannot think of an instance in which an admin has killed an entire opposing side to prevent a loss. I believe you could look at the win/loss record of any member and see this is not the case.

Which server did this take place on? Who was the admin in question? At what date and time did this take place? Where there any extenuating circumstances taking place at the time (meaning, was something strange, glitching, lagging, etc. happening?).
I don't see anyone from our clan in the server at that time.It can't be admin abuse when there was no admin there. Possibly the server crashed.
Looking at the battle report, I do not see a single member of this clan on either team. All members are admins and wear TBG tags. Nobody in the server had tags on. Who do you think killed every opposing player? Are you sure it wasn't some player with a hack? PBBans has been down for several days, so there is no way for me to check anyone out that way. Would the possible hack be Tank999999? He does have more kills on the opposing team.
Not a single player from that battle report is a member of this community. Like someone else mentioned the player may have been using the mass kill hack. There is no admin command available to our admins that will kill just the opposing team.
It happened today. 2 hours ago. server name " | 24/7 OPERATION METRO 1000 TIX | 64P | NO LAG." Only one side of the server got killed. Standard message. Killed by admin. By the logs of the server you can get if that happened by admins hand or not. But i never heard a hack could kill the entire opposing team at the same time, and appears as BAD LUCK - Killed by Admin.

There was noone hacking at the time that happened. We have takem B and are engaged to push the opposing team to A when everyone got killed.

If you clik at the battle report log i posted you could see the date and time at that happened.

If neecessary any more information just ask.

Tanks for the fast response.

>) Mouzed
Thanks for reporting this. It may have been a bug or something else. Here are all the kick/kills/bans from the server logs from today. As you can see no one did what you are describing. I'm sorry that it happened to you and we will definitely continue to investigate this.

2012-07-29 03:45:49 | Ban via Webinterface (Scoreboard) by SgtDeadRed: guid EA_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6DACD6CF506786CFB perm wall glitching
2012-07-29 03:45:48 | Ban via Webinterface (Scoreboard) by SgtDeadRed: guid EA_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB0E63CE19F1EFA1F9 perm wall glitching
2012-07-29 03:44:46 | Kicked player ryansmith18 via Webinterface (Scoreboard) by SgtDeadRed Reason: making room for members
2012-07-28 01:49:21 | Moved player woodyfrmtx via Webinterface (Scoreboard) by vetsfast to team: 1
2012-07-27 05:44:55 | Swapped player a50264tw via Webinterface (Scoreboard) by ChuckTheHammer
2012-07-27 05:44:48 | Swapped player ChuckTheHammerx via Webinterface (Scoreboard) by ChuckTheHammer
I'm guessing at this point the cheaters have found a new toy. I found the relevant chat section and corresponded that to server logs. Dima777LOL was the cheater and will not be coming back to any of our servers. Again apologize that you had this happen on our server, however I want to reiterate that no admin or member here killed your entire team. I will be reporting to EA/Dice as well. Thanks for bringing this up this may turn out to be something big.

Chat log;
2012-07-29 16:14:20 | From jw1ls to Team1: BEHIND
2012-07-29 16:14:19 | From jw1ls to Team1: BEHIND
2012-07-29 16:13:25 | From GRAPEDRANKK to Team1: wow fagoots sniping left
2012-07-29 16:13:15 | From alexandrespz to all: so fags
2012-07-29 16:13:13 | From alexandrespz to all: fucking campers with bidpo/lmg
2012-07-29 16:12:51 | From Server to all: Hacking = Permanent Ban.
2012-07-29 16:12:14 | From Calculon_v3 to all: indoor snipers....
2012-07-29 16:12:02 | From GRAPEDRANKK to Team1: no ones watching back escalator really?
2012-07-29 16:11:19 | From Server to all: Druixi gave BaronVonCamper his sammich
2012-07-29 16:11:11 | From Server to all: Racial Slurs = Auto Ban (Perm). Won't be lifted
2012-07-29 16:10:56 | From Mouzed to all: admin that lack skill so have to cheat. poor TGB
2012-07-29 16:10:30 | From jw1ls to Team1: fucking moron
2012-07-29 16:10:10 | From jw1ls to all: w
2012-07-29 16:10:03 | From Calculon_v3 to all: yeah comply
2012-07-29 16:09:49 | From Mouzed to all: i will go to the forum to comply about that crap admin
2012-07-29 16:09:30 | From Server to all: Please check out our new server Close Quarters!
2012-07-29 16:09:14 | From GRAPEDRANKK to Team1: they came down back escalator
2012-07-29 16:08:53 | From Calculon_v3 to Team2: cra
2012-07-29 16:08:28 | From Mouzed to all: the server rules allow you to cheat admin?
2012-07-29 16:08:10 | From Sova-1701 to all: wtf
2012-07-29 16:07:50 | From Server to all: Type !rules to see our server rules!
2012-07-29 16:07:32 | From Sova-1701 to all: a
2012-07-29 16:07:29 | From GRAPEDRANKK to Team1: he didnt like his teams position what else
2012-07-29 16:07:23 | From Mouzed to all: too scared?
2012-07-29 16:07:16 | From Mouzed to all: yes, why you had to do that?
2012-07-29 16:07:01 | From Sova-1701 to all: hey admin wanna tell us what you did
2012-07-29 16:07:00 | From Server to all: Auto balance will automatically commence in 5 seconds.
2012-07-29 16:06:40 | From Server to all: Teams are balanced now!
2012-07-29 16:06:40 | From Server to all: Swapped player Dem0nHe11 (lone wolf) to balance teams
2012-07-29 16:06:34 | From Server to all: Auto balance will automatically commence in 5 seconds.
2012-07-29 16:06:20 | From TANK999999 to Team2: MOVE FOWARD TEAM!
2012-07-29 16:06:10 | From Server to all: Like our server? Add all our servers to your favorites!
2012-07-29 16:05:59 | From Server to all: Auto balance will automatically commence in 5 seconds.
2012-07-29 16:05:43 | From alexandrespz to all: whatch backstaris guys
2012-07-29 16:05:25 | From Spada_ka to all: hacker
2012-07-29 16:05:21 | From Mouzed to Team1: uselless team
2012-07-29 16:05:14 | From GRAPEDRANKK to Team1: gotta love admins
2012-07-29 16:05:07 | From GRAPEDRANKK to Team1: our whole team just died by 'bad luck'
2012-07-29 16:05:04 | From Sova-1701 to all: fucking hackers
2012-07-29 16:04:52 | From Sova-1701 to all: wtf
2012-07-29 16:04:40 | From Server to all: Dima777LOL has been kicked for having an abnormal kill rate. (16,52)
2012-07-29 16:04:39 | From Server to all: Killing Spree! Dima777LOL is dominating on a 20 kill streak!
2012-07-29 16:04:39 | From Server to all: Dima777LOL is godlike on a 10 kill streak!
2012-07-29 16:04:39 | From Server to all: Dima777LOL is godlike on a 15 kill streak!
2012-07-29 16:04:37 | From Calculon_v3 to Team2: RUN DOWN THE ESCOLATOR
2012-07-29 16:04:30 | From Server to all: Racial Slurs = Auto Ban (Perm). Won't be lifted
2012-07-29 16:04:23 | From Calculon_v3 to Team2: GO FOR C!!!
2012-07-29 16:04:14 | From Calculon_v3 to Team2: thanks for all the help team
2012-07-29 16:03:44 | From Server to all: Auto balance will automatically commence in 5 seconds.
2012-07-29 16:03:27 | From jw1ls to Team1: C
2012-07-29 16:03:26 | From Mouzed to Team1:
Check out the players stats. What I think happened is he is testing out a new cheat. Unfortunately for us and all other server owners it shows up as killed by admin. If this turns out to be true this is really going to be a problem for all server owners.

Dima777LOL - BF3 Stats
Thanks for the fast response.

Lets hope that kind of hack doesn't became popular.

>) Mouzed