Admin Visibility and Activity on servers

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Registered User
Jul 5, 2019
As a regular on many TBG servers and a donator, I would like to see more admins playing. There are a lot of the other regulars that now have decided they do not care about server rules and do whatever they want. I know other players have complained about his issue. I know on Naval Strike we can go a week or two with out seeing an Admin play at all. The players see this as the admins do not care what happens at all on the server or won't enforce the rules that you have posted.
I am usually on NS 3-4 nights a week and I know Altered spends time there too. Just because you don't see us doesn't mean we aren't there.
im always on hardcore server after 5pm pacific time
as member you can report any abuse you see on servers..
the regular admin on the water world has been working twelve hours days soo hope he will be back soon...
other wise what ever you can do will be great tks
pss...20993071_10212133448765016_7083517857541445932_n.jpg you can say something on discord alot of the time we are looking at it
I am on the servers 7 days a week for 2-4 hours each day. I know which members are on as I always watch the players and the server stats page so I know who is spectating . Not calling out individuals at all, but there are 50 members with yellow tags and I only see two - three in a week. @MADDTRUCKER report abuse all the time, but if the bad habit is not addressed at the time of incident, the ban for 2-3 days, 7 days later does nothing to change the behavior. Most the players I have reported have no clue they got a 3 day ban. If the members were on the serves to see what is happening first hand, it would make a difference. Most players know that there are never admins on so they don't care at all and kill the server, we work are asses off to populate.
I I thought you had improved since the last time @Irishian88J and I talked with you. You know the deal and you know how we run our servers.

I'll make a deal with you though. Up your monthly donation to pay our volunteers the minimum of wage of their state and I will have an admin on the NS server from 6-11 pm EST every night. I am assuming the state average is around 9.50 an hour, or around $14,000 a year. I'll even deduct the $50 you have donated in the past year from that bill. We accept wire transfers or Paypal, PM me the best way to bill you and I will get this rolling.
The long and the short of it is that we can never and will never be able to have admins on all the time. Just won't happen. Everyone here plays their own games at their own time. We are a community of gamers first and admins second. Period.

Which means that anyone who does happen to play on our BF4 servers is volunteering. And 9 times out of 10 are there to just play the game and not police the server. In fact we encourage our membership to not police the servers so that they can enjoy the game and not spend what little free time they have watching every single thing happen. Just doesn't work that way.

Yes at one point we did have a strong Admin presence. That was mainly due to it being a new game and not much else came out afterward and some people who were more active in the game have moved on or are now focusing on real life priorities.

Good day
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