against #2 jet pilot in world


Registered User
Dec 11, 2008
This guy, grieferkiller, is an absolute piece of work. If you kill him he gets pissed and accuses you of hacking, but he's not even that good!

Battle Report - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

Yea its air superiority and not 1v1, but still, it was fun killing him a bit and watching him rage.
Griefer is a BIG baby . ya if you kill him he crys, insults ya, and likes to camp jets on take off on other maps. World rank means nothing , just means you played more than others when it comes to jets , heli, tanks or anything you drive or fly. Im world rank 17 , just means there is only 16 other players that are more of a jet whore than I am :)

But.. if I quit work , kick out my girl ,jerk off with my right hand only (to hold my joystick stronger and longer ), and grab a shit bucket I could be #1 !
He's a douche, if he gives you any grief in our servers feel free to toss him out. He's been kicked and I think banned before for whining and uncap raping. Not sure if he plays on our servers anymore, we have too many good jet pilots.
Pretty narrow horizons you got there, grieferkiller.

I just don't understand people who never even try 90% of the game.
He's a douche, if he gives you any grief in our servers feel free to toss him out. He's been kicked and I think banned before for whining and uncap raping. Not sure if he plays on our servers anymore, we have too many good jet pilots.

It wasn't in our servers, he wouldn't be able to play nice in our servers, too much of a tool.