
Registered User
Jan 10, 2011
This guy NEVER misses, and I personally have seen him hit too many players and instantly kill them to think hes legit, please check any video of the server you might have for about 9am Friday 1/14/2011 to verify, thanks. He favors the G36E or C, which could allow for that due to high rate of fire. Allso check anyone with an abnormally high K/D ratio, thanks! :willys3:

Please email me at if you find anything, lots of others there seem to glitch or hack. Most seem legit.


  • EternalBlazeJPaimbot.JPG
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He has a lot of IP's, but not prior bans. We will keep an eye out.
Thank you Master, for reporting this!

Like Soulz said - he is spotless clean @ pbbans. Also, maybe it's just me, but for some reason I've never seen a hacker from Japan.

He is a regular and I did free cam him once for about 10 min after he headshoted me twice in the same round. Nothing suspicious to report.

He is playing for 4 years now so the likelihood that he is a skilled player is very high, while the likelihood that he hacks undetected for so long is very low. Like you mentioned both G36 weapons are devastating and at times make the luckiest most impossible kills.

Our Karkand ban list numbers 396 players, and I guarantee that we will surpass 400 by the time the week-end is over - so we do check all suspicious players.
I will also address the "instant kill" concern. From my experience that happens when more then one player is shooting at you at the same time, either a flanking player or a long range sniper which you do not see. One gets the kill and one gets the kill assist.

The most extreme example of this is when a sniper downs a chopper with the L96A1, not the M95. One of the WOoKIE clan snipers got banned for "hacking" on a different server for this. He appealed and the demo recorded file showed that the chopper was hit by a rocket, and as it fell down with minimal health left, the sniper shot at it, getting the credit for the kill. Basically the last person to shoot a dying target gets the score.
yes im well aware of the instant kill phenomenon when 3 players swiss cheese you! lol

However: what about a guy with an AK101 firing one shot after emptying their clip into a player right in front of me, as =ZPG= BoY lSiVueTl did just awhile ago, and he also had like 109 kills to one death? Could be legit, maybe, maybe not. In any case theres some suspiciously high scores on the server, i kinda dont think all are THAT GOOD, do you? In any case: its your server. :) Its fun just not when i see players doing stuff that kinda REEKS u know? Ive seen enough of my share of cheats to know the diff btwn skill and NO skill. anyway, have fun, its a great server otherwise! If i hit the lottery ill def send u a check. And after all: if someone IS cheating, its kinda pathetic as its just a game. right?
More to check on, might be legit, might not:

Please also check Steph[SUX], i cannot pull either him or ZPG soviet boy up on stats tracker which is always a suspicion, to me at least. I enclose a screenie so u can see the scores. Btw im consistently near the bottom as i like to medic a lot :) which gets me shot and bombed a lot. SovietBoy had 114 kills to 1 death, and Steph had about 84 to 4. neither commanding, which often doubles scores somewhat :) Both at the time were on my side so its not boo hooing.
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Yep, the spec op G36 is pretty sweet, but the best spec op weapon is the Scar-L. The learning curve is steep, I swear I couldn't kill anything with it at first, but after 30h or so I started to get the hang of it. Now it's my personal favorite.

For more on SovietBoy click the link:

I doubt that somebody with almost 6000h in the game would need hacks. Also he couldn't fully commit to us, he is not a member and he is not representing TBG in any way.

I've personally played with and against both Soviet and Steph. Both excellent clean players.

I did not understand the question regarding the AK.

I appreciate your willingness to help. The best way to go about suspected players is this:
1. Get x-fire, it's free. Start the game with it.
2. If somebody is suspicious, suicide, click on map to deselect any spawn points, close map with the x button. Press C until you find the player you are looking for. Start recording.
3. Upload the video to your x-fire account and post the link here.
4. We will know in minutes if the player is legit or hacking.

Thank you Master!
I have played with and against both of these players as well and while SovietBoy is quite skilled he is very predictable and it's quite easy to shut him down once you learn his style of playing. As for Steph[SUX] he is not quite as skilled and is a piece of cake to take down provided you can keep him off the high roofs.

I spend as much time on the server observing players as I do actually playing and I agree with Mega, I don't think either one of these players are hacking. They are both aggressive and skilled players you just need to learn their style of playing and you shouldn't have too much trouble dealing with either one of them.

One thing I do want to point out is that Steph[SUX] has a tendency to C4 roof jump when he thinks he can get away with it but I have no reason to suspect he is hacking.

As for the comments concerning the choice of weapons, I will put my mighty PKM up against any weapon just ask the clowns that try to rape the left USMC non cap from the hill to the Suburbs. Like I told the morons yesterday that tried to do it, bring more firepower next time or expect to die often. It's not a great score but I will take 32 & 1 any day especially if their willing to come to me as opposed to making my lazy ass chase them down. :)