Air Maps....Lancang Da


Registered User
Jun 14, 2015
Rules do not attack the main base.

I got shot down 3 times from the AA near the base, so I c4 rammed the AA with a jeep. I then get into a gun fight and told to stay away from the front of the base. There were at least 5 players out in front of the base. Some of them like to use the ucav.

It doesn't seem right the AA can shoot from the base or near the base and the same for ucav user near the base. But if I go on the attack I'm going to get in trouble for shooting or being near the base.
You most certainly can attack anyone who is shooting from the uncap. Just be sure you attack the player/players that are the ones shooting out and no someone who just spawned in or is waiting for a vehicle. Jihad jeep with c4 is a legal attack option, but do not fly a jet or chopper into a vehicle.
Thanks. What about the players right out side the base? After I took out the AA I got into a gun fight with 2 players. A 3rd one took me out, which was a member and then he told me to stay away from the front of the base. They were at least 5 just out side the base and he told me not to be there.
If anyone is outside of the uncap they are fair game. If they are shooting from uncap they are fair game.
The admit in the game seem to play by different rules. Since I was being told to stay back and I was there to take out the AA. I then got into a gun fight with people that were out side the uncap.
When the admit aren't on people air ram and attack the base. I don't do that, but I don't cry if someone does it either. One minutes there's no rules and then the next the admit make up rules. I'm not complaining, just stating what I seen. Myself I like prison rules or no rules. Accept, for no crying. So one vote for no rules. ;)
It is hard to enforce rules when no admin is around. People take advantage of that. Secondly, all of our admins follow the rules of the uncaps. People forget that the admins are playing the game too. We call out what we see and we do not always know the exact details of what is going on 100% all the time. This is why we just warn people and not take action right away. When an admin speaks up about an issue, do not take it personally. We are going off of what we see and what info is given to us in the moment.
My problem with this tactic is that instead of attacking just the AA, they end up killing soliders and vehicles simply leaving the uncap thus entering the field of play, which is baserape. It is hard to enforce.
The AA killed me 3 times, so I c4 it. I then got into a gun fight with a couple players outside of the uncap. A 3rd player killed me, which was a admin. All these players were outside of the uncap, but it still seem like it was to close for him. So yeah I was upset that I got shot down by the camping AA 3 times and then get warned about being to close to the base when I come to deal with it.

Alteredacer... I only wanted the camping AA. I don't care about dominating the game, unless someone ticks me off. lol
I can understand wanting the camping AA, but what most players lack is the self control to only go after the AA and not roadkill soilders running out, or tanks leaving the uncap. Its a thin line, which makes it difficult to enforce.
I don't see many c4 rammers myself. But if their running over solders and then going for the AA they would be doing it wrong to me. Since they would be taking a chance of getting spotted and killed before they reach their target. If the AA didn't always camp near the base I wouldn't be there.