Any artist want to help out some Marines?


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
Howdy ladies and gents,

As you know I am in the Marine Corps ( Grunt Corps ) as an 0311 Rifleman. I'm currently deployed with my boys in Spain as part of SPMAGTF-CR AF.

We are trying to get some themes for a platoon and squad shirts. My platoon is 3rd platoon and my squad is 3rd squad. Our company's call sign is Viking. We are also Helo Company(Do things out of MV-22's, CH53's and C130's.) Looking for any ideas or submission you guys can come up with since none of us grunts and artist.

Google around find some pictures, tie things together. If you can integrate our company's call sign into it and what not. The platoon shirt could be a broader spectrum, and squad can be more personalised. May be have my entire squads names in there or something.

If anyone could help out just drop in a comment and all of us look forward to what any of you can come up with. I don't care if you do stuff in photoshop or what. Would be REALLY cool if anyone could hand draw some stuff.

Or if anyone knows anyone that would like to help us out.

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Asking two of my friendettes... One of them is a jewelry designer. I'll post here once I get back from them.
I could work on something in photoshop. Do you have some pictures of patches or emblems?
Unfortunately not really. I have our unit emblem but that is it. Individual company's don't have emblem because our call signs constantly change. My unit is 1/8. Just Google 1st BN 8th Marines and it will come up.

All I can think of is Viking related things because our company's call sign is Viking. Other than that just like M4's, M16's, 240's.

Totally up to you if you want to use your imagination. Google shit and pick and choose what you like.

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The jewelry designer is in. Could you make a document and just throw all the ideas in there? She'd look it over and try something.
Awesome. Like I told Hawk, I don't really have much to go off of. Pretty much what I told him is what we have.

May be have the members of our squad's name in it and our currently mission set, SPMAGTF-CR AF. Possibly an MV-22 put in there because we are Helo Company. Just kinda threw some stuff together here. Be sure to thank her for us!


The names of the guys in my squad are:

Squad Leader Sgt Griffin

Team Leader Cpl Elliott
Pointman Lcpl Johnson
Assistant Gunner Lcpl Lowther
Automatic Rifleman Lcpl Leist

Team Leader Lcpl Joiner
Pointman Lcpl Adams
Assistant Gunner Lcpl Holmes
Automatic Rifleman Lcpl Hochberg

Radio Operator Lcpl Hamblin

That is our squad, we are 3rd Squad, however we have a Machine gun section attached to us. They are:

Section Leader Cpl Mazurek
Gunner Lcpl Brown

Team Leader Lcpl Andujar
Gunner Lcpl Jones
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Yes please. Not every picture has to be on it. May be one if them or if she can combine them into something cool.
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Alright I'm going to see what we can come up with.
any particular medium you are looking for? What I mean is digital, drawing, conte, painting etc.
I mean, I thought drawing might look pretty cool. I don't know how easy it will be for us to get it on a shirt but I like the idea of it being original. On the offhand, digital seems like it would be the easiest to do. I'm not an artist by any means so what ever you guys think would look the best on a shirt.

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i passed your original post to a friend of mine that is wicked talented as soon as he seen it he said holy shit i already have an idea. so ill just let him do his thing and send it to ya to see what ya think. when hes done
My designer bailed (too many orders - pension day) . Haven't heard from the other yet.
Awesome Blitz. We look forward to see the end result!

Sad to hear Tartu, I understand the real life coming first though.

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