You've been selected to test Battlefield 4.
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As a highly dedicated Battlefield player, we're enlisting you to join the Battlefield 4 Alpha Trial. The purpose of this trial is to perform a number of server-related tests in preparation for game launch, plus to garner your feedback on the new game.
The Alpha Trial version of the game will be available to download in your Origin "My Games library" on June 17. The trial will run for two weeks, with the game available for testing between 18:00 - 00:00 CET (09:00 - 15:00 PDT) each day.
You have been specifically selected for this trial because of your experience with the Battlefield series, and because you have opted-in to receive all Battlefield communications.
Please note that this is a highly tech-focused, white-boxed Alpha Trial that does not represent final quality of the game. Most of the level textures will be white (except Soldiers and Vehicles), and performance at this early stage of development will be potentially choppy, with possible issues such as server lag and downtime.
If you choose to join this trial, you must agree to not publicly post information, images or videos from the game, or your impressions of the game itself. We have set up a closed Alpha Trial forum specifically for this purpose - see below for details.
Everyone here at DICE looks forward to your participation and feedback!
Patrick Bach
Executive Producer, Battlefield 4
Once you've participated in the Alpha Trial, you'll automatically be granted access through Battlelog to the closed forum where you can share feedback on your experience.
OS: Vista SP2, Win7
Windows 8 not supported.
64-bit! 32-bit not supported.
DX10 or DX11 GPU with 1+ GB of RAM,
DX11 highly recommended
25GB Free HDD space required
Latest Origin version required
Note that these do not necessarily represent the requirements for the final game.
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