Anybody else interested in FarCry3?

St. Croix

Registered User
Oct 7, 2012
If any of you guys are Cod4 fans, you might like this.
The game is primarily a single-player game, but the multiplayer was very attracting as well.
It's not as fastpaced as other games, but maps and guns look awesome..
Hit registration really stood out for me, one of the most important things in a multiplayer game, in my opinion

yeah i like it...
I'll buy it for $5 after a couple of years... when I also have a card to run it on max (next year's Maxwell probably xD ).
I will end up picking it up for the single player when it price drops but I usually don't bother with the multiplayers
Yeah, the single player looks very interesting, and I'll give it a try once the price drops.