Anyone ever worked at Costco?


Registered User
Jun 8, 2015
I need a job, Costco is near by and seems like a pretty good fit for a PT position. I haven't had the chance to meet anyone that works there, but from what I've heard it's pretty great. Good pay, good treatment, hard work. PT is usually (from what I've heard) 5 days a week, 3-5 hours a day.

I don't want to work at a grocery store or fast food chain, so that eliminates 90% of any possible jobs near me.
I also love Costco. I've literally taken girls out on "Costco dates" which involve awesome free food samples and messing with display stuff.
Somehow I'm not single.

Also, if I don't have any work experience with a business/company, do I even have a chance at Costco? My work experience the past 5 years has been a ton of freelance design work. Good self-employed pay, but I'm really not sure if it will help me get a job. (I doubt it).

i bet if you go right to the top and offer a handi once a week, maybe a little tongue action, im sure of it they will give you a job... but other then that i havent worked there, but it does seem like a cool place to work. and im sure if you tell them that the work you did prev to this, was all self employed. they take it as a better job then working at fast food, because you had to run your own "business" sort to say, (coming from my employer) yes i asked them just for you!
im sure youll be alright. its just like walking into wal mart and apply for job no experience required. and ive read articles that say Costco is one of the best places to work pay benefits everything
I worked at Costco in Van Nuys CA circa 1988! I thought it would be a great P/T job while going to college. I thought I'd save money. Problem is....I SPENT IT ALL IN THE STORE. Working for Costco is like working for the coal mines in Virginia where they house you in a company owned house and make you buy all your goods from the company store! (Well, not quite, Costco was and I'm sure still is a great company to work for) They treat employees much better than comparable places and still manage to keep a few holidays sacred. Now I'm really feeling old....I started out as a "runner"....that is the cashier's assistant. I had to slide the goods across the cash register area and call out the item #s to the cashier who punched in each item #. This was before scanners and probably while some of you were still in diapers LOL. Seriously though, you can make a career out of Costco if you want. Store managers make bank. Why was my first position called "runner"? Because if the item didn't have a number on it and we couldn't remember the item number...I had to run all over the store...eyeball the item# and run back to call it out to the cashier to punch it in. I was in much better shape back then!
Do you have to work at Costco? What could you see yourself doing? Does it have to be retail?
Do you have to work at Costco? What could you see yourself doing? Does it have to be retail?

I don't have to, but other non-fast food/groceries jobs aren't hiring near me. Some places I won't apply to because they're just awful to employees.
It doesn't have to be retail, just some place "comfortable."
I'd plan to keep the job until I'm close to finishing my Journalism degree and can find an internship or job with that. That's at least 2 years away, and from what I've heard, the longer you work at Costco the better you're paid/treated.

On top of that, this Costco near me is only a 10 minute drive. Which is just fantastic.
Have you thought about doing freelance stuff?

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Have you thought about doing freelance stuff?

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I've been doing freelance stuff for 5 years. I absolutely hate it. Working for clients with designs is hell. I'd like a job that' doesn't make me want to blow my brains out.
I mean, are we talking basic? A Barista? Customer Service?
I mean, are we talking basic? A Barista? Customer Service?

I'm not great at dealing with idiots. Customer service would be a no. Not into the Barista thing. I'd rather work at a CVS or stock stuff in the back of a store/FedEx.
Pizza delivery would also be a no, I don't like driving here.
Stocking would teach you great work ethic.

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I'd like a job that' doesn't make me want to blow my brains out.
Then don't do retail. I work at Kroger and maybe it's just that company but all customers want is free this free that. Freeeeeee shit! Complain to manager, free. Wrong price, free. Doesn't taste good that's ok, free. $25 boneless steak claims you bite a bone, free. Lol

Doesn't help with Costco but that's retail.
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My understanding is that CostCo is okay, and so is Best Buy which will pay for some education.