Anyone have extra bf3 activation key?


Assistant to the Regional Leadership Manager
Jan 13, 2013
Helped a buddy who spends about 8 months out of the year deployed build a computer yesterday. He was interested in getting BF3 for playing until bf4 comes out, and maybe until all the kinks get worked out. At this point, its not worth the 20 bucks to him, but I know he'd really enjoy it.

Anyone have a key they got with some bundle I could buy off you for 5-7 bucks?
Well if you are willing to sell, let me know.
If that doesn't work let me know. I have 3 of them and I can give him my username and password for one of them. I haven't played in a month or better and I doubt I will play much more anyway. I don't plan to buy BF4 either. I'm trying to phase out of gaming. I got too much other stuff I need to take care of to sit at a computer for 6-8 hours a day gaming. :)
Rain got me a code and I passed it on. Thanks for the consideration though Duke!

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