Anyone have or play games on PS4?


Assistant to the Regional Leadership Manager
Jan 13, 2013
Just picked one up. Been been playing the destiny beta. Going to pick up Diablo 3 when it comes out mid August.

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Just picked one up. Been been playing the destiny beta. Going to pick up Diablo 3 when it comes out mid August.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
going to wait till xmas and get the midget a ps4 so I can have my ps2 back.....not sure if you will be able to play ps3 games on 4...but that is my plan. When I get one, let me know whats up @DocHolliday

***hockey/baseball games will be my go to..unless i am blown away by GT series..wasnt impressed with 6**
Not backwards compatible with ps3 games. But they are working on a streaming services (like OnLive) that will let you stream ps3 games.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
Not backwards compatible with ps3 games. But they are working on a streaming services (like OnLive) that will let you stream ps3 games.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
so that means I have to pay for my ps3 games again??? to stream? or you talking enter barcode to stream?
so that means I have to pay for my ps3 games again??? to stream? or you talking enter barcode to stream?
It will be a monthy service.
The reason your old games won't work is because of architecture change. The old PS3 was ARM based, I think as was the xbox 360.
Both the PS4 and the Xbone have moved to the x86 Architecture which is the same as PC. This means easier ports, more ports, and theoritically a lot easier/shorter development time.
The negitive is our old games won't work. But this was also (mostly) true on the PS3 and Xbox360 when they came out.
fucking garbage.....I dont play ps3 much anyways, but I do like the NHL/MLB The Show series...