Anyone here play MechWarrior Online


Registered User
Nov 18, 2012
Or a fan of the MW series of games and user community spin offs (like NetBattletech's competitive game series, MBT, MWL etc.)

Just curious. They are far more simulator in nature than FPS tend to be so they tendto attract a different crowd but I'm a fan of both genre so figured I'd ask.
i love mechwarrior series, played starting at the age of 8 but never tried the free online one.

Would be great if we could host servers. Too bad they dont offer.
Yea, that's not in the cards apparently atm. Still waiting to see if they'll offer the persistent world as advertised. That's what made the NBT league so much fun. Took an existing MW platform (MW4:mercs), the playerbase made its own modified additional mechs (really expanded the usable kits and combinations) and took an already fun game to a much higher level.
I tried MWO, but it felt way too slow and grindy. Penalized free players too much with no real incentive to keep playing. The interface was confusing, gameplay itself even more so. Everything felt slow as mud, and starting players don't stand a chance against paying players.
Well it's still in Beta so much of it's improving. What I saw months ago when I first made it into the Beta (but was unable to play being oberseas) versus what it looks like now is very significant. You'll profit every match now unlesss you absolutely use up every round of ammunition AND get blown completely apart before getting critted. So really it's more of a question of how much you'll make per round now versus being profitable/being penalized. The salvage/c-bill dynamic definitely needed work. The gameplay is very simulator yea, it's definitely slower paced than any typical FPS.