

Registered User
Jan 2, 2015
Hi guys, I would like to apologize for my behavior in the server for the past few days. I've been really mad to other players telling them bad words. I'm a competitive player and hate it when I'm the only one on snow lane or pushing through:P.
I am used to playing OP no explosives with my platoon, we have good teamwork and that prevents me from telling sh*t to other players. But I've been more interested in explosives server lately.

My anger on your server first started when I started playing it last week, we were stuck at C doors with 2 flags and there was a TBG squad behind enemy lines, they were trying to cap some flags. I'm a team player and asked nicely if they could unlock their squad and let me in so I can help them cap a flag, they were only 3 in a squad of 5 so I figured they could use my help, yet they told me to leave them alone. It was the first time I've experienced that, because usually communities will encourage team play, they could've let me join them for a while and kick me after for another TBG member, I don't care, just wanted to play with good players, and you guys are pretty good. So this is what set my anger at the first place. Now I really want to apologize and if possible play with you guys if there is room in your squad, and eventually, with you on TS. You'll see I'm not the one you think I am. I will definitely stop being rude and abide to the rules.


p.s.DO NOT take it personal if you get tea bag, I tea bag a lot of players just for the troll
I dont have a Issue with you but was reading a bit in Chat. Respect other Players and the TBG Members and there will be no problems at all. The TBG Servers are mixed servers between players that are good, bad, professional and so on.I know its sometimes just frustrating, the thing is that its a game and everyone can play like he wants to. Most time the TBG Members dont mind other players in the Squad and it has some reason we lock a squad that we are playing in(Squad Chat for Admin Tools use just as example). So if you ask nice in chat and they dont open the squad there is a reason for it, than just stay nice and ask again later. If you want to join the TS you just need to ask in the Forum, and if you have the Age requirements and no one sees a Problem you get the TS Data to join.
Thank you for you apologies.
Talking shit is apart of FPS gameplay. We understand that; always has, and always will. But the line between shit talking and disrespect is easily differentiated. We here at TBG pride ourselves in trying to maintain a positive gaming atmosphere(shit talking included)....Go easy on the chatbox, use CONstructive chat(towards team mates/other players) , and you MIGHT find our squads opening up, and our TS available for usage. Stick to your apology, and help our servers out by maintaining a sense respectful bearing.