Are all XBox 360 controllers compatible for the PC?


Registered User
Oct 26, 2011
I don't own an XBox 360. But I want to be able to play PC games on a controller. And I've been hearing that some games (like Witcher 2) are compatible with X360 controllers. So, the question above.

Also, do I need to buy other hardware? Or what do I have to do to get the controller working?


why would you want to? controller sucks unless you are racing or playing a sports game. I know there is a program that maps keyboard buttons to the controller but i don't remember what it is called sorry buddy.
best buy sells 360 controllers with the wireless blue tooth adapter - so u can avoid wires =). M$ has drivers for the 360 controllers. It depends on the game if it supports it out of the box.

there is software where you can program manually keyboard keys to a controller for any game - its a pain in the ass sometimes to set up but on certain games people feel its worth the trouble.