

Registered User
Feb 3, 2014
I have a question.. I haven'y done much checking, because I just usually deal with it, but... Is there an auto balance that can balance according to skill not just number of players? It seems to be an issue with the infantry only server quite a bit IMO.. I love a great battle and it seems more often than not that the teams are pretty lopsided.. I'm not one to switch to the better team even if a lot of my friends are on the other-side.. I actually find it a challenge to try and make something positive happen for the losing team.. But sometimes its impossible to make any difference when your teammates don't attempt to advance and take objectives..

I apologize if this question has been asked before.. (I'll admit I was being lazy and didn't run a search) Let me know if there may be any possible solution to a problem like this.

It has been asked many times before and in the past I tried to come out with strategies to please both sides but it's always been a mess so i refrain from getting myself involved.

No need to apologize.
This has been attempted before, but always with bad results. The problem is; how do you measure skill? Vehicle whores will have a high kdr and most snipers too, but kdr means nothing. People who revive a,lot will have higher skill scores, but that doesn't mean he is helping the team much. Rank is another factor, but rank is usually
just time played not how well they play.

I sympathize with the problem. Its been a problem for as long as fps games have been played. To be honest there really isn't a good solution. Sad to say it, but been that way for a long time.

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I agree it has been a problem for a very long time, but I have played on other servers where there was some kind of auto balance or auto scramble after a round and it definitely helped make the rounds a bit closer.. Although it isnt perfect, it still helps.. I can say that doing nothing doesn't help.. It makes people actually leave the server.. I've lost my last 9 rounds on the server because I've been stuck on the losing side.. I may be different in my thinking but, even when I am on the winning side of a lopsided game, it isn't much fun either... Something as simple as an auto-scramble after a round may possibly help.. I dunno.. I love the server personally.. but after 1 or 2 rounds of getting pummeled I have to leave the server as well.. From my point of view, the only downside of an auto scramble is the inability to stay in a squad with friends or clan mates if you are in one..
I admit that I am ignorant with the admin tools for bf4 since I haven't really been an active admin since bf2.. But do they have an auto-scramble feature that may sway whole squads.. say a good squad on one team with a bad one on the other?? A good squad can make a huge difference in any given round..
It is tough. When we have enabled scrambling it has led to complaints as well. We do discuss this regularly and play with the autobalancer, but ultimately bad teams happen.
I guess the only way to see if balance is REALLY a legitimate issue would be to look at the history of what the scores are over a period of time.. I probably have logged more time on the server over the past few months than anyone else... So with that being said, if there is anything I can do to try and help make that particular server seem a little more balanced I am more than willing to help out.. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help..

PS: on a side note if you guys ever need my professional services, I'd love to help out..
Here is a few samples of some of my work-