Awesome letter written to high school murderer

some justice should be imported from saudi-arabia... public beheadings keep shit in order quite well...
This kid is one sick fuck.. For those of you who didn't see this when it happened, this is at the trial:

"The hand that pulls the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory," [TJ Lane] said, then cursed at and raised his middle finger toward the victims' relatives.

Seriously. Some people are just fucking sick and need to be ended.
I think public hangings and beheadings should make a comeback, specially in heinous cases such as this. Or maybe let the families that lost loved ones be on the firing squad.
I think public hangings and beheadings should make a comeback, specially in heinous cases such as this. Or maybe let the families that lost loved ones be on the firing squad.

Firing squads were historically composed of the unit the soldier served in