Bad admin in BF3


Registered User
Aug 29, 2012
Hey guys,

I have played a few matches on your BF3 server and generally enjoyed myself, so thank you for that.

I do have a complaint to make however. This evening on Caspian a buddy and I were playing and we had just outcapped the RU team when I got kicked. No reason given. My buddy asked in the chat why I was kicked and there was no response.
I had the highest score on the US team at the time and was driving a tank toward E. I was not spawn camping or anything of the sort.

Please do not tell me to fill out a ban repeal request or anything of that sort. I will not be playing on the server again. I just wanted to express my disappointment with whatever admin decided he didn't want to play against me anymore.

He asked one time and was given no response. You cant even except someone to see a chat while in the middle of combat. One try isn't exactly guaranteed an answer.

Now I do not see a kick or a ban entered by an Admin. Are you sure you were not kicked by the system for a VIP slot?

EDIT - I have looked through the event, console and chat logs as well as gone through the system our head admins use as an alternative. I see only one chat from you, 3 joins, 2 leaves. No kicks bans etc. What was in the message? A kick would have resulted in a very particular message. All kinds of reasons you could have been disconnected. But as I said the system here doesn't seem to show any evidence of anything. We do have a VIP slots enabled so when a member joins a full server a player is randomly removed, that would probably results in a particular message as well but I am not familiar with how that works in BF3 since it was only recently added back in.
Jan, This evening even i had some issues, as battlelog kept kicking me out and eventually broke, be assured that we do not kick people for being good.
Fuck that, I kick and ban everybody who I even suspect is better than me. lulz. You might want to look into things a bit more before you start accusing people of things they did not do.