Ban Appeal Battlefield 3

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Registered User
May 23, 2024
In Game Name bf3

Steam ID (If Applicable) 76561198970298437

Which Game? Battlefield 3

Which Server? Battlefield 3 - All maps conquest

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 28.05.2024

Admin that banned you (If you remember) script

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for was talkingwith xxloquid

Any additional comments you would like to add? Hey. was authobanned by autoscript .was talking with liquid in one squad and typed the bad word . after this was banned. check it please.
it's either your punkbuster or you're using a vpn or using geforce now. someone will be able to help soon.
Looks like you were testing the chat filter.
May 20, 2024 4:37:01 pm​
n word
May 20, 2024 4:36:36 pm​
feeels fucking nega
я никого не оскорбил. Я только что написал админу, за какое слово их забанят. и после этого меня автоматически забанили
тere was misunderstanding i ask you to condsider this problem objectively. thank you
аbsurd situation....i like your serwer. and i wouldnt want to be banned for nothing ((
you were banned for a reason... a good one. You trolled the chat filter and we don't tolerate that. It's not getting lifted and hopefully one of the higher up admins will lock this.

Nero. don't comment on other people's ban appeals, please.
тhis happened yesterday .a conversation with your administrator liquid during game . in private squad chat!!!!!!
So here's the rub - yes you successfully appealed a ban for a typo, HOWEVER, the language you had used earlier prior to that typo should have had you perma banned.

See below:


It's clear and evident that you were being racist - the ban stays in place!

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