Ban Appeal Battlefield 3


Registered User
Jun 10, 2024
In Game Name BuddhaisLordSEEK

Which Game? Battlefield 3

Which Server? Battlefield 3 - All maps conquest

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned 2:50p cst

Admin that banned you (If you remember) akapeacemaker

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for claims im hacking

Any additional comments you would like to add? im sitting on enemy/usa mtn on kharg, in tank shooting at air vehicles, etc.

Jun 10, 2024 2:39:01 pm [TBG] akapeacemaker MOVE THOSE FUCKING TANKS OFF THE MTN

so i do......
as im literally capping B, he kicks me for..

Jun 10, 2024 2:46:00 pm [TBG] akapeacemaker @kick buddhaislord camping slash wasting vehicles

i rejoin and then he calls me a retard, so i told him to eat shit, and then bans me for "hacking"? seriously??
do you ever ban your own admins for using "deliberate slurs"?

Jun 10, 2024 2:48:11 pm [TBG] akapeacemaker becuase you were in the squad with that retard
Jun 10, 2024 2:48:37 pm BuddhaisLordSEEK eat shit
Jun 10, 2024 2:48:50 pm [TBG] akapeacemaker @ban buddha hacking
Buddha, I was not calling you a retard. If you read more carefully I was referring to your extremely toxic squad mate. After repeating warnings toward you and your squadmate to leave the base area with the tanks you were not listening. At first I kicked you. You came back and immediately re-joined Gatizz in a locked squad. I could only assume you meant to continue your toxic behaviors along with your squadmate. Also, someone was hacking chat and the only possibilities were you or your squadmate so you were both banned.

If I were you, I would work on your reading comprehension skills. I neither accused you of hacking, nor did I call you a retard in our conversations. That was referring to your squadmate. Again, you were in a locked squad with someone who was ignoring server rules/admin warnings and contributing to a toxic conversation. In the future, after being kicked from the game for ignoring rules I would suggest maybe it's not a good idea to re-join immediately into a locked squad with a player that is actively hacking. I don't know, just seems like common sense to me.

This will be reviewed.
sure, i'll give you that, that i did misunderstood who you referred to, in that moment... which is why i responded that why. regardless, my question still stands. why are admins allowed to use "deliberate slurs"?

to leave the base area with the tanks you were not listening.
again, we were not in "base area", we were on the enemy mtn. you literally acknowledged this you liar

Jun 10, 2024 2:36:32 pm​

Romania[TBG] akapeacemaker
move those fucking tanks off the mtns or lose them
and i did listen, i literally got killed soon after, then started CAPPING B when you KICKED me. that doesn't happen in seconds

I could only assume you meant to continue your toxic behaviors along with your squadmate
the only toxic behavior was my buddy talking mad shit to you. camping on enemy mtn with tanks is not toxic behavior. if you read the chat, i literally said nothing in the chat before getting kicked. except firing back at stromboli

Jun 10, 2024 2:35:57 pm​

United StatesBuddhaisLordSEEK
eat shit cunt
Jun 10, 2024 2:35:39 pm​

United StatesGeneral_Stomboli
....because there are totally flags up there
Jun 10, 2024 2:35:30 pm​

United StatesGeneral_Stomboli
both the dipshits in tanks are on the mountain

I neither accused you of hacking
no, but that is LITERALLY THE REASON YOU GAVE for my ban jesus fucking christ..... "im not accusing you of hacking, but youre banned for hacking"

Also, someone was hacking chat
Proof? what did they say? we all know that we can find out who said/did it by reading the chat logs.
if he was "hacking chat" we would clearly see his name with the whatever he said

the first time the word "hack" even gets bought up is when you accused him of hacking out of the blue lol:

Jun 10, 2024 2:46:55 pm​

Romania[TBG] akapeacemaker
he just talks a lot and hacks

Again, you were in a locked squad with someone who was ignoring server rules/admin warnings and contributing to a toxic conversation.

So youre gonna ban me by association? did you notice/read that i didn't even say shit that whole time? until after you kicked me? is that how i "contributed to a toxic conversation"? Is it against the rules to be in a locked squad with someone that shit talks an admin?

if anybody reads the chat logs, they can see that glatizz was saying a friendly hey to you first. General_Stomboli jumps in and stirs shit up. glatizz talks shit back to him.

Then you start getting heated, telling us to move. glatizz then directly attacks you by telling you to eat shit (Jun 10, 2024 2:39:15 pm) and obviously that hit a nerve b/c you try to ban him for "wasting vehicles camping vehicles hacking evading ban etc" 20 seconds later. which again is literally the first mention of "hacking" from you. obviously without any proof. you just used that as a justification for ban.

if he "hacked" the chat, surely all the only chat messages he could've sent were before that, and was basically all shit talking directed to stromboli lol

So where are your receipts/proof? its pretty clear that this got heated because of the shit talking. if that is against the rules, why are you doing it too then (arguably provoking it in the first place)? the chat logs don't lie. i only wish i had recorded the gameplay too
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After further review it has been determined that your ban shall be lifted.